Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Making a little go a long way

I have carried on today ekeing out the fabric I have, but also had a dig around in my boxes and found these:

I'm not entirely sure about either of these whites, especially the one on the left which in real life is slightly yellow-y and may go back in the box, but the blue I think is just fine.  I've used a tiny bit in the picture below and like it well enough, so I just need to use enough more for it to look like I meant it to be there all along.

As you can see I've also had a go at putting some bits together.  More than usual what I do seems to be depending on making the most of my scraps, so the squares are square simply because it seems a waste to cut them into anything smaller.  I am sorting into bits for squares and rectangles, bits for triangles and little strips that can make their way into crosses.  Where I've been cutting curves I've ended up with lots of bits on the bias but luckily many are biggish and will let me squeeze out a triangle or two.  

It's all good clean fun anyway.

An aside: can you spot the block I had to wash vigorously.  I have ironed, honest I have, and more than once!

Linking up with Lorna today for Let's Bee Social.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I am about to break down and make my own at home starch (recommended 50/50 vodka/water), even if it means I have to buy alcohol (shudder). I don't know if that would help your wrinkly fabric or not, but it will all sort out in the first quilt wash anyway.

Libby in TN said...

I like to fussy-cut fabrics like your blue diamonds and nautical flags. Folks think you've done some really intricate piecing!

Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Kaja! I really like your project with curves, triangles and flags (the left one is almost Finnish flag!). x Teje

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

I'm curious about that grey fabric that refuses to let go of the wrinkles. Is it a polyester? Or an Indian cotton?

Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

You may not be sure of the white fabrics but I love the one on the left. Wrinkly fabric that won't behave is so vexing.

Lisa J. said...

Sometimes I get lines that don't seem to disappear but I just keep going and eventually the lines seem to come out. I hope that works for your wrinkly fabric.

Kathleen said...

If a spritz of water and a hot iron doesn't take out the wrinkles, Best Press will.
And someday I want to try to improv like you do. I love how you make use of every last little bit of fabric.

Monica said...

Yes, three times and it looks like it was planned all along! Quilts are wrinkly, it will just blend when it's finished. Funny how the left white looks grey in the photo. And what about pale grey, if your whites don't feel right? Maybe the restricted palette has been the source of the tension so far?

Janie said...

Wrinkles mean texture and that adds interest. A little variety here and there is great.

Ann said...

The brighter blue helps your design. Those two bits are as bright as the reds and that makes a nice surprise to your top. Such fun to watch this come together.

Carli The Quilter said...

Whoof, this is found just in the nick of time. lovely addition to this beauty!