Monday, 12 September 2016

It's a funny thing...

I just spent two days worrying that I will run out of fabric for this fabric, having had to cut the extra curves to repair my cat damage.  Then I had a Homer Simpson moment (d'oh!)  I always run out of fabric.  In fact I deliberately buy only half a metre at a time precisely because it means I never have quite enough and am forced to come up with creative solutions.  Okay, this time I may run out earlier, may have to work a bit harder at it all, but it's time to stop fretting and just get a move on.  

So, I have joined a couple of pieces that I knew were always going to go together and spent some time making little blocks out of the many, many scrappy bits this quilt is generating.  I don't know how they're going to fit together, but that will come.  In the meantime I'm making progress and will have a clearer idea soon of how much extra fabric I may need to find (I have already cut up a white shirt that I had in my stash and pressed it into use).

I reckon I can squeeze at least a couple more curvy blocks out of what I've got too.  

Linking up today with Love Laugh Quilt for Monday Making.


Quiltdivajulie said...

Well done - getting over that "I'm going to run out" hump is huge (I, too, buy less so that I go scrappy from necessity - more creative / interesting results).

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

Sure makes for much more interesting quilts

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I like that you have given up on the fretting and got back to the fun play. :)

Janie said...

I agree with Yvonne, back to the play is great! I'm liking the progress here.

Cathy said...

I read that post (but didn't comment) in passing the other day about the cat gunk and your fear of running out of fabric. I thought that was kind of funny coming from the best improv quilter around! I see now you have actually improvised! I like all the little bits and pieces you have added. Looks like little gifts.

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Following your progress on this quilt is fascinating. I like the addition of the white shirt. 😃

audrey said...

Lol that's exactly what I do! Had to smile at this post.

audrey said...

Lol that's exactly what I do! Had to smile at this post.

Mystic Quilter said...

A great "make do" attitude to quilting, working with just what to have! The crosses and the pyramid pieced shapes along with your main blocks have me thinking of flags and pennants flying from ships masts.

Julie said...

Gosh, Kaja! I really, really like where this is going. It feels nautical, and then not. I think it reminds me more of a flag built of pieces from a jousting tournament. It's fun to see where quilts take us.

Lisa J. said...

It will be interesting to see what you come up with. This all looks so good together right now.

Mary Marcotte said...

I've been out for a while, well here, but not getting to everyone and I've missed so much! The poor cat and eeah! about having to clean up after her. Hopefully she's feeling much better and you can find enough fabric to finish this gorgeous quilt. I can surely spare a few pieces: Shoot me an email with your address. From your pics, it's looking like you're using mostly bright blues and reds. Luckily I have lots of blues!

Cut&Alter said...

Wow - Kaja this is looking great. Haven't been over here in a while and you're so far into a new project which is coming together so nicely!