Thursday, 30 June 2016

Three, six, nine

I have spent a lot of time considering my floors - one kitchen and one conservatory.  The dilemma has been that when I lay out my lighthouses and words, I haven't liked what I've been able to achieve with fabric as much as I have liked the tiles!  

Well I think I'm happier with my words encased in fabric now, but haven't quite been able to let go of the floor, especially the terracotta one, so in the end I went back to my boxes of fabric and found something that I think might do the trick.  Here is one of my shorter blocks, with the new fabric incorporated:

And here it is in its place, more or less:

I've also been pondering layout in a more general way:  I've been trying to make 6 lighthouse work, but I have a couple of problems with this.  Firstly the pieces I have now are very wide and I don't much want to follow any route I've come up with for adding some length.  Also, some numbers are just more pleasing to my eye: 3 is good, 6 doesn't float my boat, 9 is one I have kept coming back to in all sorts of contexts this year, so I am going to bite the bullet: 3 more lighthouses coming up.


Unknown said...

I love them even the three not yet made. Is there any way of knowing of which lighthouses you have made representations? Are there names nearby?

Unknown said...

I love them even the three not yet made. Is there any way of knowing of which lighthouses you have made representations? Are there names nearby?

Ruth said...

The addition reminds me of sand and it works beautifully with the lighthouse. Glad you are making some more!

Monica said...

3 more sounds great to me! The taupe works well, too. What a journey this one has been!

gayle said...

It would certainly make me happy if you made three more! I love watching your lighthouses grow!
They're absolutely beautiful!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh, that fabric you introduced does work really well. And I'm all about making the numbers work. The only thing better than 3 is 9, in my silly world. :)

Mystic Quilter said...

I think 9 is just right, it will be so well balanced.

JanineMarie said...

I agree with Ruth--the additional fabric reminds me of sand. A natural with all the blues. Three more lighthouses sounds good, too!

Janie said...

I always enjoy your process and what you come up with.
Great work so far.

Julierose said...

Great new addition to the fabrics--I agree that uneven numbers are more interesting...
hugs Julierose

Mary Marcotte said...

I wonder if we're so influenced by the whole 9-patch tradition that we just feel better (safer) when we go in that direction. Maybe it's something to explore. Anyway, I like the idea of nine light houses with your interesting words and, now, this sandy addition. Don't forget rocks! I've seen lots of rocks around every light house. Oh and the jetties! I don't mean to create a true-to-life version, but perhaps a figurative version that works as a reminder for the viewer. (The way I write, you'd think I know a thing or two about this. *Insert sarcasm emoji*)

Lisa J. said...

It all looks good to me. Six, Nine, whatever makes you happy.

Serena @ Sewgiving said...

Love the seagulls flying around in the background fabric ... I can almost hear the ocean when I look at your blocks :)

apiecefullife said...

Wow. This is looking great.

Julie said...

Our eye likes what it knows. It sounds like you're feeling your way through this process with both intuitive and logical decisions. I positively love it when people know themselves enough to explain their thought and decision making processes. Thank you, thank you. As for my personal favorite parts of this work: I'm enthralled with your backgrounds of light and day. I admit that I might not have seen the possibilities at the outset of making them, and what a contrast they've added the the overall effect. Will you be adding more dark lighthouses with the next 3? That is my favorite block!

Margaret Cooter said...

Have you considered putting them together in a long strip, rather than a rectangle? Then they would look like a coastline!