Saturday, 4 June 2016

Saturday photos #66 and Wandering Camera

Out and about yesterday, though for the 3rd day of June it was blooming cold: I was wearing two t-shirts, a sweatshirt and a jacket and still felt chilly.  Anyhow it has led to a set of slightly damp and gloomy pictures, I think, but that's how it was: dew on the grass and, by the end of the walk, mud on the shoes.
I'm sharing the damp and dismal this week by linking up with Soma for Wandering Camera - there are some really good photographers who share their work, so it's well worth a visit.


Shelina said...

Those are the best days to go out - calm and tranquil and nobody else out. Your photos are beautiful. The cold is invigorating. I can say that now that it is really warm here and my AC doesn't work.

Janie said...

Beautiful scenery, I'd like to go walking with you!
Thanks for sharing.

Soma @ said...

We are having close to 100F, I would love to send some of that heat to you. I am sorry to hear that it is still cold there, but the photos are lovely, Kaja! I specially love the photo of the leaf. Thanks so much for linking up on Wandering Camera.


apiecefullife said...

Your weather looks like our weather, but it is winter here. Hope it stays cool over there. We are walking the Pennine Way in August!

Lara B. said...

The photos are actually very beautiful. They capture a mood of stillness and waiting. Kaja I like to be out and about in this kind of weather, but then... I am a hot flash factory, LOL.

betty-NZ said...

It's amazing how the color green can be in so many shapes and textures. Your photos are great.

Ruth said...

looks damp but not a bit dismal. I can imagine having a wander with dogs in the places these were taken!

Cut&Alter said...

Coming to this late isn't the weather crazy - last week as you say was so cold I was wearing gloves and coat on my walks and right now the heat and humidity is sapping!!