Sunday 19 June 2016

Wall in progress

Do you remember, in February after I had the flu, I said I was going back to basics: piecing one project, quilting one.  That worked well: I liked the simplicity and the clarity of it.  But I just did a count and somehow those two projects have multiplied and by my count I now have seven things on the go.  Ho hum.  Still, I am at least feeling on top of things still.  My 365 circles are up to date, I finished stitching the binding on my applique yesterday and current quilt in the hoop is progressing nicely.

A couple of quick progress shots for Slow Sunday Stitching:


Quilter Kathy said...

Nothing beats the texture of hand stitching... looks wonderful!
Do you draw your quilting lines first or eyeball where to stitch?

SandraC said...

Just looking at quilting stitches creates such a feeling of peace....thanks!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Lovely Stitching. From Two to Seven, eh? :) Sound's normal to me! :)

Shelina said...

That frequently happens to me - I decide to limit the number of projects I am going to work on, and instead of it helping, I wind up STARTING more projects, so I end up with even more to work on. I am glad you are feeling that you can be on top of them.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

All that matters is that you are happy and feeling good! :)

Julierose said...

Your hand stitching is lovely--I like the colors in this one a lot...hugs, Julierose

Doris Perlhuhn said...

you are busy, my respect. Love your tiny stiches, I always try it but I´m not so succesful.

apiecefullife said...

I started the year thinking I would finish off a lot of those unquietly projects. I started well but then when an idea strikes......
I love the look of this quilt.

Janie said...

Nice photos, making the stitching and colors look their best.

Catherine said...

Your quilt and stitching are beautiful. What kind of batting are you using? It looks lovely and squishy!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Multiple projects are okay so long as you feel calm and good about each of them. Lovely photos today!

Kathleen said...

Love the soft look of this quilt with your beautiful stitches. What kind of batting do you use for hand quilting?

Cut&Alter said...

Isn't it funny how that number just creeps up without anyone noticing until it's too late?!! This looks a lovely project.

liniecat said...

Ah now if only wine duplicated itself like our stitchy work does lol
Love the muted colours in your featured pics!

Deb A said...

Hehe.... I think we all tend to have the same issue =) Your stitches are lovely.

Mystic Quilter said...

Lovely neat stitches! It's amazing to actually count up how many projects are lurking away, far more than we think we have.

Soma @ said...

I just love the photos, specially light and shadow of the second one! The colours are so warm and your stitches are lovely.


Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

Lovely even stitches, and the quilt looks so soft and cozy.