Tuesday, 28 June 2016

AHIQ - share your improv #10

It's been a slow few days on the quilting front: I'm feeling a bit glum and not very motivated (and I dedicated all Sunday to sitting on a motorway which never helps).

Anyhow, motivated by the fact that it is link up week I pulled my socks up yesterday and went back to All at Sea.  I have joined another two lighthouses with a name strip to get this.

So now I have these two chunks.  This is not where they will sit in relation to each other, just me trying to fit things into the available floor space.  As usual when things reach this sort of size I am struggling to get a photo that doesn't include the detritus of everyday life around the edges!


Ruth said...

I really like how this looking and love the darker fabrics in the lighthouse and the seagull effect!

Monica said...

I think something has happened to your post -- I don't see any photos. I'll check back later!

Monica said...

It is the weirdest thing -- I see the lighthouses for a second, and then they are gone! And the text too. Maybe there is some conflict with the permalink, or you have two posts with the same name, or something. Sometimes if you make a small change and update the post, the problems will resolve themselves.

Monica said...

Aha! Well, they look Awesome, so I am glad I said something. They are really starting to have a lot of movement and life, and I think that is the cumulative effect of all the sparkly dark blues, the blowing clouds, and a sort of a wave happening in the sashings. Keep going! It's really looking good. :D

Julierose said...

these two "chunks" are lovely--what about offsetting one of the pieces horizonitally so that not all the words are in a line??? Just thinking---I'm confident that you will come up with a great setting hugs Julierose

Sharon said...

Your lighthouses are looking so great! Love that bit of seagull fabric in the one. And the words look better now than before. I love this!
How big are your "chunks"? Yes, it can be so difficult to get a decent photo when the project gets too big, but you did a great job.
I just did my first link-up for the Improv this month!

Quiltdivajulie said...

These are fantastic -- and I totally understand what you mean about keeping the rest of the world out of your work in progress photos!

Cut&Alter said...

I hadn't seen the dark lighthouse before - very dramatic!!

Mystic Quilter said...

They are looking great! Your terracotta coloured tiles are the perfect display wall for these lighthouses.

Sue said...

I still love the black Dungeness best, I think. Somehow it is just the right balance for all the red and white. And, you have given me the notion of adding text into a quilt somehow, but I am still searching for the right way to do it. Your printed letters look terrific.

liniecat said...

Gosh those lighthouses look superb and perfect with the words now too.
I'm almost expecting Grace Darling to come rowing her boat along beneath them, her hair whipping back in the wind! lol

audrey said...

I absolutely adore the words in your lighthouse blocks. The colors in these are wonderfully evocative of time at the ocean too.:)

Mary Marcotte said...

It just keeps getting better. Love the dark lighthouse for the contrast it gives. And the words add so much interest...they sort of force me to slow down and really look at them. (I have to read words when I see them. It's an English teacher thing, I suppose.)

Thanks for the link-up, can't wait to see what everyone is doing!

Lara B. said...

This is becoming one of my all time favorite quilts Kaja! Everywhere my eye travels it is delighted!