Saturday 20 February 2016

A little bit of brown

Well, the idea of the RSC may be to use up your scraps, but this month I have been scraping around trying to find enough brown bits to make even a few little blocks.  In the end I managed 3, but only by pinching a couple of bits from as yet unused yardage to make up the numbers.

Here are two:

As is my usual habit I am not using a ruler to make my squares, just eyeballing the lines on my cutting mat and hoping for the best.

Interestingly I had four brown shirts, so my strip sets were not a problem.

And I have one block combining the shirts and the squares.

At the moment I envisage that all these diverse bits will end up in the one quilt, but I don't want to put anything else together right now - let's just see how it goes as I add all the other colours.

Since I have finally done some brown bits I'm linking up with the RSC today at So Scrappy.  

And a reminder, this months AHIQ link up will go live on Tuesday, so if you are making it up as you go along, come and share!


Julierose said...

i love how those shirts add so much movement to your squares--lovely improv piece...hugs, Julierose

Quiltdivajulie said...

The brown shirts are wonderful -- so rich and comforting. Not sure if I'll have an AHIQ this month or not (must go see what I've done).

Nell's Quilts said...

Interesting improv piece. Having all the stripes aligned vertically really gives nice movement to the piece.

Shelina said...

Those brown bits look so good with the striped shirts!

PaulaB quilts said...

The shirts turned out great and you have the basis for something really nice there. It always works out in the end. Good luck!

gayle said...

Very interesting! I love how stripes and plaids play together!

Sue said...

Cozy browns, to match the bare branches outside, just putting forth some new buds and promises (here at least). I like your slightly irregular 16-patches, and the shirt strips. Interested to see where it goes next!

liniecat said...

Shirts can provide some wonderful fabrics cant they and these work great with your squaresy blocks.
And the circles look ace : )

Marly said...

Nice Browns; the shirts are looking good in their new function.

Cathy said...

There's just something about men's shirts in quilts that I love.

Your method of cutting made me laugh. When rotary cutters first came out I bought one and a cutting mat. I had no idea you needed a ruler too and wondered how people managed to cut so straight. I just rolled my cutter along the line and went with the flow.

Ellen said...

You may not have a lot of brown scraps but you certainly did use what you have very effectively!

Jennie in GA said...

Love your use of the shirts.

Paulette said...

Ooh, I like the story this quilt is starting to tell!

Mystic Quilter said...

Having four brown shirts was lucky - love what you're doing here!

Stephie said...

I think these are the nicest browns I've seen so far! Is it too late to join in? (I have lots of browns!)

Laura said...

I had a hard time coming up with brown scraps too.

Soma @ said...

For some reason those stripes made me think of piano keys. I love what you are doing with the brown fabrics. I can't believe you eyeball the squares, they look perfect!
