Friday 5 February 2016

Wandering camera

I have always loved the photos Soma at Whims and Fancies posts  and now she has come up with the great idea of a monthly photo link up, called Wandering Camera.  I was going to link one of my Saturday photo posts but looking through my phone realised I have some snaps that I like a lot and that have never made it into a collage.  So I've given them one of their own.  

It's definitely worth a look at the other posts; there are some fantastic photos.

Camera And Photography Linky Party | Whims And Fancies


Cut&Alter said...

Lovely photos - isn't funny how we can take so many and sometimes not realise that there's seen really good ones in there that have never seen the light if day?! The skies look so big in your shots!

Shelina said...

These are beautiful sky shots!

Turid said...

I love the light this time of the year. And you show it so beautifully in your photoes.

Soma @ said...

These are beautiful, Kaja!! Gorgeous skies and settings. I am really glad you shared them. Thank you so much for linking up :)


Mystic Quilter said...

Wonderful Kaja - beautiful soft English light! What programme do you use to make your collages?

September Violets said...

These are beautiful, each one has their own special quality. I really like the patchwork fields :)

Lara B. said...

These were taken with your phone? Wow Kaja! They are very moody and beautiful and I can almost feel what it was like to stand there.

Stephie said...

These are lovely and atmospheric, calming. I'll check out the link up - it sounds fun :)

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Lovely photos! So many changing colors and moods.