He's a city person through and through, so New York felt like a good starting point. Here's my first run through stash looking for black/grey fabrics. (Sorry for blurry photo!)
The little squares are from an Oakshott charm pack and I think I'm going to use them to sneak some colour in. Apart from them I'm going monochrome - he decided black and red were his colours when he was about 6 and nothing much has changed since then. It'll be interesting to see if I can restrain myself and keep to this palette or whether I crack at some point down the line!
Linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday.
This is a lovely palette. If it helps you stay in this color palette, I made a black/white/red/brown quilt top which I absolutely love. http://mouseinmypocket.com/2014/06/extra-extra-communique-quilt-top-complete/
Very cool. I'm loving the red pops already. ;)
so cool. I like reading about your process too. Design posts are most interesting to me.
I love the fabrics too!
LeeAnna at not afraid of color
Very cool palette and fabrics!
Those are some great fabrics! I did a black/white bow tie quilt years ago that eventually went to my niece as a thank you gift. She has managed to incorporate into her ever-changing decor for years because the quilt is neutral. I'm sure he'll love that city fabric...it's really stunning. Can't wait to see what you do with it!
Ohhh I love the word fabric. A bit of accent color will be a great touch!
He'll love that mixture of fabrics. I canjust see it working well for him.
Kaja - I can tell already that this is going to be another awesome quilt! You have a great eye for combining fabrics! I am determined to make a Kaja Style quilt someday soon!
Love the focus fabric and the mix to go with it! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Love that NYC fabric and what you've chosen to go with it. Should be a winner!
Those are great fabrics, Kaja! I can't wait to see you work your magic on them. Those pops of red are just right!
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