Saturday, 29 November 2014

New York in a fog

Not really a fog, but my frustration with my photography has reached new heights - or maybe plumbed new depths - this afternoon.  I must have taken 20 photos yesterday, and I have just had to delete more than half!  Blurry, blurry, blurry.  It is driving me nuts.  I will have to do something about this soon.

But enough whinging.  The quilt itself is making slow progress.  I have, I think, got over my vertical/horizontal dilemma. I am going vertical, but not in great big chunks.  I've sliced and diced again and am now working with chunks more in line with the first pieced section.  Like this:

And this:

Linking up, better late than never, with Off the Wall Friday.


Julie Bagamary said...

Very nice. I like your slice and dice.

Lara B. said...

This quilting is so awesome Kaja! Is your son watching as you build it? He either must be or will be so thrilled!
I've had troubles with blurry photos too. It comes down to needing better light and a steadier support for the camera. This is where I got a lot of advice that greatly improved my photos:
I'm no pro and don't understand a lot of "camera speak", so what I liked best about their advice was that the equipment to purchase was cheap and the explanations simple. At the very least it helps to buy a tripod. Outdoor photos can turn out great, so you don't absolutely have to buy artificial lighting. Hope this is some help to you!