Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Playing in New York

I've just been playing around the last couple of days, waiting till I know what to do next.  So I've made some log cabin blocks

and some other bits and pieces.

I've been playing with my other bits of the New York Fabric too, trying to see whether they're going to work better vertically, like this

which was my first instinct, or horizontally, like this...

For now I've left it like this

but no decisions have been made!

As an aside, I am finding as it gets darker that I am struggling to get good photos.  I'm only using a point-and-shoot, but either the exposures are longer and I am wobbling, or the flash is turning things dodgy colours or the daylight comes in from one side, so half is washed out.  Bear with me, I'm going to show a blurry one if it's all I've got to illustrate my point, but I'm taking loads of extras in the hope that I'll get something in focus!

Linking up with Blossom Heart Quilts for Sew Cute Tuesday, with Sew Fresh Quilts for Lets Bee Social and with Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.


audrey said...

This is such a great quilt. I am having so much fun following along with your musings.:)

Lara B. said...

Oh Kaja! It just gets better and better! I see good things in both layouts and look forward to finding out which you choose. It's like a gift of discovery each time I open your blog!

Lara B. said...

PS - this is proof that "Log Cabin" blocks can be very metropolitan!

Ruth said...

I love log cabin blocks used for buildings and they compliment this really well

Lorna McMahon said...

Love where this is going, Kaja! Looking good!

JoanG said...

The more you take apart and recombine these pieces, the better it looks! Can't wait to see the end result.

CapitolaQuilter said...

Looks great. Really captures New York

JanineMarie said...

I'm so enjoying watching this quilt develop. I think we're all having more trouble with photos now (at least in the northern hemisphere). Only a few more weeks and the light will begin to return. Yea! (And then there will also be those dazzling days when snow lights up everything.) Keep on shooting. Your photos look fine anyway.

Mary Marcotte said...

It almost doesn't matter what's going on with the light, the earth or the camera....I take awful photos regardless.
Your quilt is so cute that it will look good even in blurred photos. Not that I should give an opinion, but I like the vertical layout, mostly because it gives a sense of height, which of course the building have when you're standing on the sidewalk. Everyone is right, though, the more you play and make changes, the better it becomes!

Stephie said...

Really exciting Kaja! And I LOVE that top photo! I totally agree with you though, the lack of light is a right pain in the bum! How big do you think you'll make this one - I can just see it being really tall and thin, although that might not be so practical for wrapping yourself up in :)