Sunday, 9 November 2014

Quilting the blues # 1

When I posted the beginnings of this piece here, I said that it was the start of an ongoing project, collaborating with my sister.  There was no pressure, no hurry as we are not getting together to look at the next stages until Christmas.  But then I got a bit carried away.  I had meant to spend this week quilting my Charley Harper top, but it has languished untouched because I have been having far too much fun doing this.

This is the finished piece - I'll need to think at some point about the unfinished edges, but here I've just layered them over each other and stitched them down however the fancy took me.  Practical questions aside though I'm very happy with the look of it.

Linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching and ayliN-Nilya for Monday Makers.


Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

it DOES look wonder you kept at it! :)

Karen said...

An interesting way to decorate denim pieces.

Quilting Stories said...

You are right to be happy with the look of your work, it's really nice! Isn't it hard to stitch on denim fabric?

Debbie said...

I love reminds me of how I embroidered all over my jeans back in college in the 1970s...I swear they were held together with embroidery floss! I like the unfinished edges, though...I think I'd keep them that denim when it starts to fray. Great piece!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

I love all the color you added to that organic cotton denim. I like raw edges too, I guess I am with Kitten it brings back memories of cut off jeans and embroidery on my jeans in high school! So glad you are enjoying your stitches!

CathieJ said...

I love all the different colors and types of stitches you used. This looks fun!

Stephie said...

I absolutely love it when you become engrossed in a project and just can't stop - this is just gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Can I play too. There are so many stitches I'd like to try against denim.

Quilter Kathy said...

Love it! Love the different stitches you used and the different colours of threads!
So glad you could join us for some slow stitching!

LA Paylor said...

wow the thread and hand work really shows up well! Cool. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

audrey said...

Love your stitching. Really incredible.:)

Mary Marcotte said...

I'm so happy that you've posted another photo. I thought you were sewing the pieces together then adding embellishments. I see that was my mistake. It has to be difficult to embroider through the denim--how are you managing that? Love how the colors pop against the fabrics!