Saturday 16 August 2014

Learning to look #2

This week I learned that if you are going to use software to zoom in on your photos you'd better make sure you dusted first!  

I took loads of pictures, in about half an hour one morning, mostly in my living room and bedroom.  The bedroom doesn't have a lot of natural light and I ended up rejecting lots of stuff where the flash over-lit what I was trying to do.  My camera is just a basic point and shoot, so I'll have to learn to work with its limitations.  I'm using Picasa to edit until I get something I'm happy with; for me that's all part of the learning to look:picking out the detail, cropping to emphasise a particular shape or colour or change the balance of the picture.


Lara B. said...

It's amazing isn't it Kaja, how much a camera can effect what you notice? And don't notice, as the case may be. I like your study in greens... said...

Nice colorful composition! Very inspiring!

Mary Marcotte said...

Please do not come photograph anything at my house! The dust is unbearable since we're doing some remodeling. I do like your color choices, though. You have just enough green to pull all of the pieces together. Very pretty.

Kaja said...

Thank you.

Kaja said...

I wish I had remodeling as an excuse!