Thursday, 14 August 2014

Little Elephant going slow

What a frustrating week - my wireless router died (there goes a whole morning talking to the internet provider on the phone, another day waiting around for the new one to come...)  Then another day having my woodburner taken out and the chimney relined.  Not much sewing has been happening.  Finally today things have settled down and I got going again.  

The one thing I had managed to do was make some little stars so that I would have something to work:

Today I wanted to play around with laying out the vertical strips I am thinking of using, so that I could start seeing where things lay in relation to each other. Like this.

Not a finished layout by any means, just giving myself some guidelines.   Then I started to look at the group of bits you can see in the picture (they're not sewn together, just sitting on the floor like that).  My feeling was that although the idea of all those prints piled up together still appealed to me, in the flesh it all kind of blurs together a bit too much - have a look at the close up to see what I mean.

To try and give things a little bit more definition I've started adding in a lot more little pale strips - the gray and a blue-gray as well (again not all of this is sewn together yet, so the really big strip in the middle will get narrower at some point). I think this may be starting to go where I want it, so am going to carry on like this and see what I think in another day or two.

As an aside - it feels quite weird putting stuff I'm not yet happy with up for everyone to see, but I am trying to be true to my process and this is pretty much how it goes.  It's also an interesting discipline having to articulate what I like/don't like and what I am doing - I hope to get better at that as I go along. 
So far the comments you have left have been kind (thank you!) but have  also helped me in thinking about all this, so thanks to those who took the time to give your perspectives.


Anonymous said...

I think it looks fabulous already! Love these fabrics.

Run 'n Stitch said...

You really are building a masterpiece. I just love the way the blocks work together.

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

Ever interesting. A great way to use scraps too.. something I need to start working on. follow you from quilt infatuation linky

Lara B. said...

Kaja, expressing what and why you do things so that others can understand seems like it would be the most wonderful way to increase your own awareness of design. I have been intrigued every step of the way!

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

Your have lots of blocks already done. Enough to play at moving them all around until you find a setting you like! ;-)
I love the star on the white background, on top of the third picture. And I know what you mean about the "blurring" aspect. But, you know, the word that came to my mind when I saw your fourth picture is "Aztec". Because, I guess, there's a lot of curving lines and concentrating circles. I like it. There's many things to look at. It would look nice on a wall, where one could look at it from a sitting place.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing what one small change can do; the added strips are a great improvement! I love reading process comments, especially design process. And isn't it more honest to admit that everything we try doesn't become a masterpiece?

Ann said...

I have been attracted to your quilts since I first found your blog. But it is worth reading because you talk about and show your process.I agree with Lara that writing this way helps us increase our awareness of our designs and decisions. We should all follow your lead.
I'm enjoying watching this quilt develop.

Pam @ Quilting Fun said...

I do like the layout both ways. It is definitely more restful with the solid lines outlining the blocks. Beautiful!

Francine said...

This is a really great way to use the batiks and African fabrics - I'm in love!!!

evaj said...

Your scraps and stars are very inspiring and now we are waiting for your entire quilt will be finished !! Thank you wanted to link your fine blog to Show and Tell Monday / Hug Bambi

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I like the way those little strips accent the other colors. Great progress!