Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Hedging my bets

I haven't quite made my mind up yet where this is going, so I have been working on two fronts.  First off I made a few more of the big blocks. This is my favourite.
It is very clear that if I want to make many more of these I will need to add in extra shirts; I can only get two or three of those big curves out of a shirt before I have to start piecing bits back together again. I'm not ruling that out but in the meantime I have  started making smaller blocks as a way of using up the weird leftovers I was creating.
I don't know how/where they fit into the scheme of things yet, but it feels like they will come in handy at some point, and they are kind of satisfying to make.


Julierose said...

You are a master of "using" it up for sure--and I love those smaller blocks;
nice work hugs, Julierose

Ann said...

Sometimes I fight curved piecing because of the "waste" but you show why I shouldn't stress over it. These make sophisticated utility blocks. One could argue that straight piecing is "anti-improv" simply because it can be rotary cut.
I certainly enjoy these views of your technique. Inspirational!

Paulette said...

Your blocks make me want to do some improv curved piecing again. Looking good!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oooh, I was wondering what the secondary piecing for this might look like. Fantastic. I think it's going to be really fun to see how this puzzles together!

patty a. said...

The piecing together of the odds and ends usually make the best bits! I can see that those smaller blocks would be good for filling in as needed.

Janie said...

Great collection of improv pieced blocks!
Thanks for sharing your progress!

Deb Jenkins @ A Quilter's is also an amazing improv piecer, maybe you've seen her work?

Janie said...

Oops! Debbie Jeskie is the correct name of my blog friend, the amazing improv piecer! @ A Quilter's

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

I like how you are using up those weird smaller pieces here! Each time I check out your posts I get inspired to give "your" sort of process a whirl! Off now to re look at my U & U book!

audrey said...

I love the smaller units. Going to be so much fun to see how you work them all into the larger project!

cspoonquilt said...

I'm loving the free form of these blocks. So fun and wonky and the colors work well together to!

LA Paylor said...

this is so cool.... I also like to make components then see how they fit together. This is in your style... a recognizable style Kaja