Wednesday, 17 August 2022

And then there were four

My posting adventures continue, since this is posted from an iPad, something else I don’t usually try.  Here are a few more blocks. 
A number of people thought they had a bit of a double wedding ring vibe and I agree. I have been looking at quite a few vintage quilts, but mostly very simple, restrained colour palettes and repeated bocks. Those our my favourite double wedding rings, but I don’t want to make one. I guess all that browsing has seeped into this quilt though. 
On a practical note, curves and shirts are tricky partners: what you ready want are nice expanses of fabric to slice your curves from, but mostly what you get are lots of compromises and extra piecing. In the end, I think this will give  the quilt its own particular character and it certainly stops me getting bored! 

Sometimes I am sewing together two pieces of the same fabric, sometimes I’m using a contrasting bit and sometimes,  as with the yellow block, I do one thing and then change my mind and try again.

These blocks are quite big, for me - maybe 10 inches or thereabouts. If I kept making them I would have a top in pretty good time. On one level that sounds appealing but I’m not sure now whether I’ll make more of them or start tinkering about. The good money is on tinkering.



Julierose said...

[I finally was able to get you on blogger from the almost non-existent "Bloglovin" site...that's why I haven't been able to comment or see your posts lately...]
This configuration lends itself to so many variations..loving that yellow-ey
fabric a lot...really sparks everything so well
Hugs Julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

If you don't want to make a double wedding ring quilt, my money is you'll keep tinkering, too. But the blocks look great so far!!

JustGail said...

I can see the Double Wedding Ring connection. I also see Drunkards Path and New York Beauty influences too. Since you say you don't want to make a DWR quilt, I'd bet on tinkering too. The bigger question is how long you'll tinker if the quilt wants to be a DWR when it grows up.
I'm really liking the mustard/blue combination.

Quiltdivajulie said...

These are just awesome. I do not see you making a whole quilt of these - I agree that the money is on tinkering!

audrey said...

These blocks are amazing! Loving the detail and the shirting vibe. So much better than when they are totally made out of solid fabrics! I've been perusing the wonky wedge piecing type quilts and everything circular--looking for Sun ideas.:)

Ann said...

These are spectacular and strong. They exude confidence. Others may see DWR but I spy eyes. More would be my choice but I'm sure not yours. I can't wait to see what you combine them with.

Janie said...

Fun with improv, Looks like a promising adventure.
'Melon' type blocks are the basis for a lot of different variations.

patty a. said...

Each block has so much interesting detail. Tinkering with these is going to be so much fun. The color combinations are fabulous too!