Sunday 3 October 2021

Photos, what photos?

There is a reason I can't build up a backlog of posts, to be published at times when I'm not sewing.  It has to do with my ability to keep track of where I put things.  Today is a case in point.  I had a couple of sessions worth of work done on this project but hadn't had time to blog.  Now that I come to write a post, do I have the camera card with the necessary photos?  No, I don't.  So I will have to ask you to imagine the steps between the previous post and where I am now.  
I know that those steps involved at least one piece being sewn on and then removed again and experiments with both flying geese and a pointy kind of triangle.  Those bits are still knocking around and may still get pressed into service, but for now they were not what I want.

I am much happier with how this is working now, though it is definitely still at the 'groping for something that works' stage.  More things are being tried and rejected than are succeeding. I would be able to demonstrate that, if only I had the pictures!


Julierose said...

I like those little dark gray (navy?) squares with the inserted strippies--great to move the eye around from the wedges...coming together so well. hugs, Julierose

cspoonquilt said...

I really like the way you work! It sounds kind of like a struggle but your quilts always come out great! I really like the 2nd border from the left. The little squares with the plaid running through the middle the change in scale really makes everything more interesting!!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Blogging photos got so much easier for me when I set up my phone to sync with my computer via the Cloud (when I am on Wi-Fi so I don't eat up my cell data). The card worked but it was more time consuming. I love where your new piece is moving!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm really loving the exploration with cutting up the plaid down to single rows. And the different shades of denim are striking.

patty a. said...

Progress pictures are nice to have. I do like where you are going with this. The pink sprinkled around really livens up this!

Mego said...

I love this. Great start!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

I do like how this is progressing Kaja. Love how you have got the direction of that pretty stripe with the floral sprigs going in different directions. And the pink is refreshing alongside the different denims.

Doris said...

It is interesting to see what this pale pink makes with the other colors. I love to follow your work developing slowly.

Mystic Quilter said...

I have my iPhone and iPad and computer all synced with Cloud - it makes life a lot easier. I like this new piece of yours, great mix of fabrics.

Ann said...

How annoying to misplace your photos but his is coming along well. I see two spirals in the center - one of the pink and the other denim. I guess because of where you are in the process.
Your plaid is just the right size to cut into those narrow strips. Now they look like rows of little boxes. What a great way to get a new look from the same fabric.
Your denim is working in well. It reminds me of the worker's jacket you made a while back.