I've just noticed, too, as I enlarged this photo, that all three of the little seagulls in the water are tilted at the same angle, which is funny given the random nature of my piecing. I'm hoping to sneak enough time over the weekend to get the top on this.
I just love these lighthouses you make--really lovely....have fun with it...hugs, Julierose
Just goes to show you that those seagulls want some fish for dinner. It wouldn't do to be upside down. I really like the play of the black and white fabric.
The seagulls in the water are even facing the same way as the birds in the air!
You may be repeating yourself, but this is just gorgeous! Love the piecing work and all the little details.:)
I love it. Lighthouses, birds, colors of the sea, what's not to like?
Great piecing too.
Such a great job...xo
Such a lively little piece. I can see all the seagulls bombing for breadcrumbs.
Isn’t it funny how we end up with the same angles when we’re trying to be random. If you’d wanted them straight, they would never have worked out.
Repetition is one of the key design principles, and you have it!
There is a lot of design in this small piece. I like the random look of the water, the subtle gold horizon line, and the sprinkling of the windows on the lighthouse.
I do like the random piecing at the base of this piece, and you couldn't have planned the seagulls! I'm very attracted to bird fabrics and seen two or three lately that I'm considering.
I saw a picture of a lighthouse last weekend and thought of your quilts. Here you were making a lighthouse. Hmm, hope that doesn't keep you awake tonight! :) Regardless, I love this one. A night time scene?
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