Wednesday 11 July 2018


I'm not sure where the last week has gone, though I know there have been detours for duck fleas, tick bites. a dead starter motor and quite a lot of sport.  There's a detour too in the sewing.  I don't want to start something new before Ann issues the next AHIQ challenge at the end of the month, so have been giving some thought to undertaking a smaller project.  Yes, I know, I'm always saying I don't like making small stuff, but here I am, for the second time this year, doing just that.  I've been asked about the possibility of making a cushion-sized lighthouse piece so I'm giving it a go.  In fact, I'm giving it two goes, since it seemed to make sense to piece two lighthouses at the same time.  

A couple of pictures, then.  The first is lighthouse number one, the second shows pretty much where I got to by end of play. I've got two half-made lighthouses, some little HST-based sea bits and vague ideas about the sky.  Not much is cast in stone yet, but it's a start.


patty a. said...

That bird fabric will make a fabulous sky! This small project is still a lot of work.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh goodness that bird print is awesome. Fun start and I wonder if they will stick with being small cushions...

Paulette said...

Ditto the bird print loveliness. I like riding along on your detours. :)

Robin said...

I've been doing the same thing . . . waiting for the next challenge to come out before I start something new. I have a few ideas of what I would like to start and then I put the brakes on. I do have a scrappy challenge in my quilt group. So, I started making 9-patches and it's satisfying the urge to start something new. I don't know how long that will last though.

audrey said...

What a perfect little detour! I love the ones where expectations are those that we make up as we go along.:)

Janie said...

That's a good start Kaja.
Do you live near the sea? You do lighthouses and water
as though you know them well.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

unfortunately the football is at an end, the boys done good though.
That blue bird fabric is fantastic! The sort of fabric you search for ages for. I hope you werent the recipient of the duck bites, the flea bites and that it wasn't your own personal starter that went flat!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the idea of a smaller piece - pillow cover sounds great. Wonderful fabric choices!

Ann said...

It's so hard for me to make small quilts and projects, too. This one seems like a great idea. It will go so well with your Shipping News quilt.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Duck fleas? LOL. Did everyone else miss that? Oh, yeah, I love the lighthouse......

Shelina said...

So sorry about the duck fleas, not that I know what they are. As you know, I love doing small projects. Get them done and out of the way, and there is less pressure. Yours looks like a great beginning.

Carli The Quilter said...

Oh my, great lighthouses!