Tuesday, 1 August 2017

A few more butterflies

At the start of each month I make myself a little list. Nothing too detailed, just a round up of what I think I might like to get done: it might just say 'quilt x, piece y'. Occasionally it says 'finish x' or finish 'y'.  I'm not overly ambitious but I do like a list and mostly at the end of the month there are little ticks by some items.  In July, I am sorry to say, I achieved almost nothing I set out to do. My mistake was to think I might finish quilting All at Sea, rather than just continue working on it. Ah well.  

The one thing I could put a tick by was this butterfly project - the list just said 'do some more' and that is just what I have done.

They are simple little things, but seeing them all laid out like this makes me happy.  

Since it's the beginning of the month I'm linking up today with Ann and Cathy for their Kaleidoscope of Butterflies and since it's the middle of the week I'll link up with sew, stitch, snap share, which you can find on Linda and Julie's blogs.


Ariane said...

It's looking great! You have so many wonderful projects on the go right now.

Julierose said...

What a pretty and sweet layout..lovely low volume surrounding those butterflies...hugs, Julierose

LA Paylor said...

yes, very satisfying joined together. Do butterflies travel in a flock?

Julie said...

Those little butterflies are so cute and spring like. Sometimes just committing to working on a project is satisfying. Thanks for linking to Sew, Stitch, Snap, Share.

patty a. said...

I like how the butterflies don't all go the same direction. Don't beat up on yourself about what you did and did not get done. As long as you are moving forward on something all is good!

Lynette said...

I like your kind of list - like a guidepost instead of a Have-to-Do. The butterflies sure are a sweet set.

Janie said...

Good progress, Kaja. That's a good idea to give some thought to what might get done in the coming month.
Thoughtfulness, patience get better results.

Ann said...

Interesting that your butterflies are all the same fabric (so far) while the background changes. This was one I considered but realized my scraps are a bit larger. I so like the sof quietness of this block and think it would make a good baby quilt (where most of my scraps go.)

Cathy said...

Tick! Makes me happy too!

Nifty Quilts said...

I love this project. Might have to make myself one someday.

audrey said...

This one is looking very sweet.:)

Anonymous said...

Oh - wonderful. I am excited about the idea of using the paintbrush instead of a stamp pad! I bought my letter stamps the other day and now I can't wait to go try them. THANK YOU!!
