Tuesday 22 August 2017

AHIQ - share your improv #24

I'm very much afraid to say that I have nothing to offer this month.  In fact I'm not even here but am brought to you courtesy of scheduled posting.

I thought I would have a finish to share, but opted for a thoroughly clean house instead.  This would not normally be my priority but I hate coming back from holiday to dirt or mess so there was nothing for it but to roll up my sleeves.  So, no finish and I'm also sorry to say no progress on the AHIQ challenge, though something has been simmering at the back of my mind all the while and I have a pretty clear idea of what I'm going to do - or at least how I'm going to start.  

I would, though, like to offer a thought/suggestion for those of you who have been saying you can't decide how to approach this one.  If no words/phrases are leaping forward and demanding that you make them into a quilt, how about making it simpler and have a go at working with individual letters like this great quilt  from Nifty Quilts or these by Kathleen Loomis.   You could even  make letter blocks and mix them in with something else, so that they are a design element rather than the entire focus of things.  Ann is sharing the link to a word/letter-based pinterest board this month too, so there's lots of inspiration there.

I'll be back and fully functioning (!) in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime hopefully others will have been a bit more productive than me, so you can have fun visiting their links and seeing what they've been up to.


Quiltdivajulie said...

Like you, I have nothing to share with the link up this month except to say that I've enjoyed a lot of grandma-time with Mr. Marvelous while his parents have negotiated the purchase of a new house (pending the seller's response to the home inspection results) and done heroic work to prepare their current house for market. There's been a lot of background thinking - and I know WHAT I want to do when I finally have time to pursue those thoughts.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I have added a link to my November 2010 post featuring my free pieced word quilts that were included in Tonya Ricucci's book WORD PLAY QUILTS (out of print but available as a e-book from Martingale - her publisher). Even more inspiration to share.

Marly said...

Thank you for posting the link to the fabulous quilts by Kathleen Loomis. They are really inspirational, even if you're not looking for pieced letters. Like Julie I now have an idea of what I'm going to do (but haven't started yet!), but it will have to wait as I'm going to be away from my machine for the next month. Enjoy the rest of your holiday, and have a safe journey home.

Janie said...

Yes, the house needs attention once in a while, doesn't 't it?
And I'm guessing your thoughts are planning all kinds of exciting new
I've been at the lake with my feet in the water, relaxing. I think fresh air stirs up creativity too.

Ann said...

Vacations are so much better when we can return to a (semi-)clean house. I know every time we return, all the luggage needs to be cleaned. That's a big enough chore without additional household routines for the first few days.
Funny how thinking time helps construction. Especially during summer vacation. Enjoy!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Love that ball team! Very very very very creative! LOL

liniecat said...

Its happening! Much like the driverless cars and driverless trains or even the mechanically operated farm machinery currently being trialled here in the UK with farmers sat in the back kitchen watching the computer screen farm for him - now its bloggerless posts LOL

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday . I simply must have clean sheets on the bed and the washing cleared up before I go . I never get rid of the dust anyway . I admire anybody who does !

JanineMarie said...

Well, good for you! I'm not a disciplined housekeeper, but I do clean up before going on vacation, too. It's so restful to come home to a pleasant environment. I'm looking forward to seeing what your mind has been busy cooking up. Meanwhile, I'll check out the pinterest board and the Loomis quilts. I hope you are having a wonderful (and inspirational) time.

patty a. said...

I plan on cleaning house after I turn over my R.E.M. to the art event on September 8th. Oh my goodness does the place ever need shoveled out!

Mystic Quilter said...

I hope you're enjoying France! So happy with this post Kaja because I am in the same boat - nothing done! I'll be reading the post from Ann after this comment and go check out the links from her.

Mary Marcotte said...

I've been busy with other projects, some are improv but have nothing to do with words, so I'll miss out this month. I should be on track next month, though. At least I hope to be! Enjoy your vacation and come back well rested to a clean house! Will wonders never cease?

Monica said...

LOL, I hope you had a great break! I keep trying, but I can't seem to stay away. :D