Sunday, 6 August 2017

Definitely Sunday

Sometimes in the summer I find I lose track of which day it is - usual routines breaking down and all that stuff.  As a consequence I haven't done a Slow Sunday Stitching post for weeks, despite having the best of intentions.  Today, however, I am on the ball!

All at Sea is coming along nicely.  In fact, the end is in sight.  I'm still quilting, but now it's just those bits around the edges that didn't make it into the hoop.  I know this bit always takes longer than you'd think, but nonetheless there that finish is, waving to me in the distance.  I even have my binding made, ready to go.


The Cozy Quilter said...

Your quilt makes me feel like I am on vacation by the sea!

Julierose said...

Such a lovely piece! Hugs, Julierose

Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl said...

Having the binding roll ready always helps me get to the finish with more energy. I am really loving the texture on this one!

Monica said...

Omigosh, this is sooo lovely, Kaja! I love all the extra details you've added in the quilting. And the binding is made! I'm very impressed. :D

CathieJ said...

I want to go visit a lighthouse. Your quilt is very pretty. Enjoy stitching to the finish line.

Suzanne said...

I love ocean themed quilts. I dislike sewing the binding...maybe I should be smart like you and have it all ready to go.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

I actually felt my breath catch as I look at this . I love this quilt soooo much

Anne Ida said...

What a wonderful quilting project - have fun with the final stages :-)

Catherine said...

It's such a beautiful and inspired quilt - I'm looking forward to seeing the end result.

Ann said...

It looks better every time you show it. Congrats on having the binding ready. I wish mine was.

PaulaB quilts said...

I love those seagulls. It's going to be a lovely finish. Ku

Soma @ said...

I looks lovely!! It slow quilting for me too around the edges. If I rush I end up redoing the whole section. Enjoy the slow stitching!!


LA Paylor said...

you have a way of blending that makes order out of chaos.
Lots of fabrics and lines could be distracting but your finished works have balance and focus. Nice job again.

Carli The Quilter said...

This is coming along so fine. You are inspiring me and soon I'll have the room to do my hand quilting.

Janie said...

Thanks for showing your lighthouse quilt and your hand stitching.
That one I really like.

Mystic Quilter said...

So, you're almost at the finish line now - All At Sea is looking super!

Anonymous said...

Oh - wonderful. I am excited about the idea of using the paintbrush instead of a stamp pad! I bought my letter stamps the other day and now I can't wait to go try them. THANK YOU!!
