Monday, 23 March 2015

Chopping stuff up, sewing it back together

When I last posted about this I had decided it was boring and that cutting into it was the next step.  I cut some strips of a green I hadn't already used and got my rotary cutter out.  I laid a strip on top of the piece with holes in it; usually I just shut my eyes and go for it, but this time I was more careful than usual because I needed to make sure there was enough space between the holes I had already cut to fit in my new seam allowances.

Then I pinned my strips (again I often don't pin, but positioning was more important than usual), stitched the strip down and then cut along the seam allowance.

Next step was to sew one of the 'new' pieces to something else...

and straight away I felt happier with how things were looking.  This is where I left it, with no additional stitching done, but bits laid out so I can see how I might pick up when I come back to it. I am going to leave making more holes for now, and add them in once I've got a good chunk done to my satisfaction. 

 Linking up with Patchwork Times for Design Wall Monday, even though mine is a design floor, and Aylin-Nilya for Monday Makers.


Ann said...

Yes, this looks better. Thanks for explaining the insert method. It makes more sense now. PS: I have some of these fabrics myself. Funny.

Lara B. said...

I rarely can guess where you're going Kaja, but I love to watch you take the trip and always Love where you end up!

JanineMarie said...

I never know what awesomeness I'll see when I click on this site. The transformation of your fabric strips is amazing!

Mary Marcotte said...

I'm beginning to see a definite "Kaja style" in your work. You're encouraging me to be brave and pick up the rotary cutter. Please do keep it up: I so enjoy seeing your process unfold.