Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Charley's speeding now

This seems to be growing really quickly at the moment.

I've got to a point where I'm picking colours in relation to what's already there, because I know where all my bits are going. I think it's the repetition of colour and/or shape that gives things their rhythm. I added in the brighter blue stripe fairly recently.  I liked the fabrics I had but it all felt a bit subdued (though that may just be me).  I prefer it with that extra bit of zing.

This is where I've got to now.

Sharing this post today with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced and Let's Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts.  


Liz said...

Love this! I have some of the prints from this collection, but you've made far better use of them than I. The layout is really interesting, and I love the bird sections!

Lorna McMahon said...

Bravo on your progress, Kaja! This is really looking awesome!

Kaja said...

Thanks - the nuthatch is a really striking fabric so I hope I've done it justice.

Kaja said...

It seems to be coming together really easily - though if I say that I may get stuck now! I'm hoping that the last third will be as smooth.