Thursday, 3 July 2014

Annie's quilt

Yay!!! I have a finish.  This is Annie's quilt I started in piecing in December, started quilting in March and now it's done.  I can't  believe it's done.  I'm soooo happy.

It's so big (queen-sized) that it's hard to photo.  If I get two tall sons in the same place at the same time, I might get them to hold it up, but for now we tried laying it flat and climbing a ladder..

and then using the fence...

Fabrics are a real mix - the beautiful birds are a Michael Miller fabric called Wing Song, there's a bit of Joel Dewbury (the white birds on blue and red), some Oakshott and some Kaffe Fassett shot plains and all sorts of other bits and pieces. Handquilted with perle cottons and I used wool wadding.

This is my favourite so far.

Joining up with Confessions of a Fabric Addict and with TGIFF at Quokka Quilts .


Unknown said...

Oh it's beautiful!
Can't wait to come home and see it in person! :)

Sammy Zee said...

That's brilliant!! To think you've done a queen sized one just since December! Going great guns :) I really really like the zigzag triangle bits, especially combined with the almost spirally-ness. And maybe need to get some hooks and a pole or something for showcasing such tall ones :)

LA Paylor said...

oh it's brilliant
I just am in love with that bird fabric, red on aqua. I have a leeeeetle bit of it and now am reluctant to use it for fear of using it up... heehee such a fabric hoarder.
LeeAnna Paylor not afraid of color

Ruth said...

Beautiful quilt! Congrats on a lovely finish - worth all the effort!

Kaja said...

Not long now. Glad you like it. x

Kaja said...

Funnily enough, since I decided I was okay with being really slow I seem to have got faster! Go figure.

Kaja said...

I have to admit I scoured ebay for it, but all used up now, every last scrap. And fabric hoarding is good for the soul.

Kaja said...

Thank you - glad you like it.

Claudia/Ompompali said...

Lovely, lovely quilt! Congratulations on a perfect finish! Love your work!

Kaja said...

Thank you so much - I love this one too!