Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Curving again

 Curves, square, curves, square and now I'm back to the curves.

I did this bottom corner first and it turned out okay, so I kept going.
This is three out of four corners done, but the top left just has something sitting over it at the moment.  

I have also pulled another shirt- here's a close up and you can also see it in the two photos above.

It's rather lovely and, more importantly, seems to do the job I need it for.

I played around briefly with something like this.

It's an idea I may come back to (it's a good way to utilise those odd little scraps) but for now I am concentrating on piecing a double row down each side.  I probably should have done ends first, but I like how that run down the left-hand side is looking, so I'm going with the flow. As I go I am thinking about juxtaposition: where I'm happy to have two pieces of the same fabric hit each other and where that doesn't look quite right.  For a long time, I preferred not to let pieces run together but more and more I find I quite like how it looks.


Julierose said...

The new shirt is really pretty in its dark colorway...happy to hear you are moving forward with your piece. Hugs, Julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Having the same fabric touch can add so much interest and create new shapes and movement for your eye that you wouldn't get otherwise!

Robin said...

Sounds like you're over the hump and the enthusiasm has set in. How Fun!
The new fabric is a great addition.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Exciting! I like how the occasional fabrics bump together, it helps with continuity & creates more interest. At this stage, if you find it annoying, its easy to swop out, yes?

patty a. said...

I am glad you are back in the groove on this piece. I love the little triangle squares. The scale is perfect. I'm glad you were able to come up with another shirt; that dark print will fit in nicely with the rest of the fabrics.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I do like where you are going with this - and happy about the infusion of the new fabric.

audrey said...

Love that dark fabric you have added in. This quilt is definitely starting to take shape in a great way!:)

Janie said...

Great progress! Do you have snow yet? We have snow here in the valley, layering weather for sure.

Mystic Quilter said...

Happy to see the curves!! That new shirt is a luscious dark blue and a good addition definitely plus I'm with you on the left hand side run. I'm enjoying watching this quilt take shape!