Tuesday, 22 November 2022

It's all progress, right?

A bit of progress here, though mostly of the one step forward, two steps back variety.  Who cares, it's all progress right?

I have been playing around with my smaller blocks and have sewn some of them into sets of four.  I kind of like how this looks, but there are a couple of issues too.  The first is that I have used almost all the sensible-sized pieces of fabric and what is left is mostly the funny, curvy little strings you get from cutting lots of curves.  I have a good pile of blocks but I definitely won't have enough to go all the way around the centre.  
Not to worry, I wasn't particularly determined to make this symmetrical anyway.  So here is a view with just a single run of curves.   
This is more workable, or would be if the proportions felt right.  As it is I have two problems with it.  The first is that those borders (for want of a better word) seem too small and skinny for the centre.  It shows a bit, I think, in this photo but in real life it's much worse.  They look more like an afterthought than something deliberate. 

I fiddled and fiddled but no version of this pleased me.  Eventually I have started to think I need to go back to that centre and do something to help the two parts sit together better.  I am wondering about heading back from my square to something more circular (again!)  The little blue strip in the top right gives of hint of the direction I am considering. 
One another note entirely, I had several lovely comments on my last post from people I don't know and who are no-reply bloggers so I can't respond directly.  Thanks for taking an interest and bothering to comment- it's always lovely to hear what people think.  


Julierose said...

I like the last shot of just using one border--very Japanese in feel to me...
glad to see you have begun working once more...hugs, Julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I can see what you mean about the single borders feeling too small for the larger center piece. I like the last photographs asymmetry and look forward to seeing where that bit of blue in the upper right hand corner takes you!

pandchintz said...

Really liking how this is taking shape!

patty a. said...

I do like the small patches that make a complete circle. They relate to the center very well. The lack of fabric seems to be the biggest problem now. Maybe a trip to the charity shop or add additional colors?

audrey said...

I think I can see where you're going with the extra circle. Loving the scrappiness combined with the circle motif. I'm always so intrigued with the way your mind works solving these sorts of puzzles.:)

Mystic Quilter said...

Such a shame that you don't have enough of the small circles to go all around the centre, they do look so good in the last photo. Patty's suggestion of a visit to a charity shop or the addition of another colour is worth thinking about.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I wonder how it would look if you border only two adjacent sides? Keep tinkering with the additional circles.

Janie said...

Yes, progress goes sometimes slow and sometimes fast.
I like your plans and thoughts, designing as you go.
Curves are great fun.