Friday, 24 June 2022

Locked out

Apologies for blog silence and my failure to respond to (and make) comments - I've had no computer for a little bit. It just switched off one evening and never switched back on.  Now I have one again, but sadly not masses of progress to share.  Current progress looks like this.

I can't claim there's a particular reason for my slow pace, but the weather has been good and the garden has called my name.  It will rain soon, so I am, almost literally, making hay while the sun shines.


Quiltdivajulie said...

Hard fought effort to get your quilt top to this point. It is looking good - keep going (slowly) and congratulations on the new (working) computer. Transitions like that are never fun.

patty a. said...

I think you have made good progress since your last posting of this! Technology is great but can be so frustrating when it doesn't work!

Julierose said...

I really like that black & white addition--really moves your eyes around. Hope your computer woes are over--that is so frustrating!!
Hugs julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Sorry about your computer, that's always frustrating. And enjoy the sun and garden, that is a special season!

Janie said...

Making hay while the sun shines! Yes, I like that picture. I can see you in the garden getting everything just so!
My computer issue things are mostly fixed. I'm glad your computer is up and running.
I like your arrangement too, I've been arranging blocks and parts and pieces, it's fun and I let it take its time.
Good to hear from you.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A little progress, and it's all good! Glad you are out in the garden, enjoying the sun. Here in NZ, we are into Winter now, more quilts on the bed!

Grams Jean said...

I can certainly relate to your having computer problems. Even if progress is slow, it is still progress. Be not discouraged.

Doris Perlhuhn said...

making hay - a summer project... I know that. My sewing machine gets some dust on. I love the addition of white and black! Thats it! Makes a big difference.

audrey said...

Ughh! Hate computer problems! Your quilt is looking good regardless. It's always an interesting thing when the progress comes along a bit slower.:) You'll work your magic when the time comes, I'm sure!

Quilter Kathy said...

Congrats on the finish! I'm going to hand quilt a mini this month using perle #8 and you have inspired me :)