Monday, 9 May 2022

Turning things around

Slow progress here. Firstly, I have had covid.  Nothing horrendous, but nobody else in the family wanted it, so I was coralled in the spare room until I could produce a negative test.  I did some hand quilting but that was my lot.  

Once they let me out again,  I pulled out some shirts I thought were worth trying with my existing fabrics, but nothing has really excited me. You can see below a few of the things I tried - mostly variations on blue or green, because that's what I have.  I have also tried random other things - burnt orange, a gold bit, a red and blue plaid.  Nope, nope and nope again.  

I have also considered adding blocks with a variety of different shapes - circles, squares, string blocks but again nothing I feel so sure about I want to waste time, or, more to the point, fabric on trying them out.  

The thing that has worked best so far, in terms of at least letting me take a small step forward, is literally turning things around.  Like so...
There may be disadvantages to working on the floor (weird perspective in photos, for instance) but it makes it really easy to look at a piece from a different angle.  All it took was one big step, the bottom became the left hand side and somehow I could see a way forward. I am thinking I might keep taking sideways steps, so that I end up with a piece constructed from all 4 sides, without an official top or bottom.  I did it once before, with this quilt and it worked well.  

Of course from a practical point of view, I still need to augment the fabric pile but that's a problem for another day.



Robin said...

So glad you made it through the virus without complications. I like the new angle. It flows well.

Paulette said...

Sorry to hear about the Covid. Hope you're feeling better now. Isn't is amazing what a little shift in perspective can do? I'm sure the magic will present itself in due time. I really like those wedge shapes, especially the stripes and purple together.

Anonymous said...

Sorry you've been unwell. Good that it wasn't a bad case. And I kind of like the idea of adding an orange. I see a tiny bit of orange/yellow in the print fabric, second picture at the bottom.
Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

patty a. said...

Sorry to hear you had the covid, but I am glad your bout with it was minor. Your rearranging looks great. Now you just have to make it bigger which I am sure will bring on all kinds of consternations!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm sorry to hear you had covid. Hopefully it was short and no one else in your family comes down with it soon. I think changing the perspective is great advice, and I suspect that when the time is right you'll figure out what additional shirts / fabric need to be added.

O'Quilts said...

great perspective on the quilt...And COVID??? God help us all. Glad you are better xoxox

Mystic Quilter said...

Sorry to read you had the virus but thank goodness it wasn"t too horrid for you. I'm liking your new project, I missed the last two posts from you due to computer work being very difficult. You make a good point on using the floor to check out your designs, I might give that a go.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Glad you finally produced a negative test so you could come out the room! I do understand how that quilt project is taxing your creative spirit - I really like the newly turned version. Hopefully more ideas will happen now (and a bit of thrifting for an infusion of new fabrics).

audrey said...

Well, your other quilt turned out spectacularly so obviously this is a good trick for you! Glad you're feeling better once again!:)

Janie said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. The pollen is thick around here causing sneezing and itchy eyes, sometimes it can work itself into a secondary infection needing antibiotics, another health issue thing.
Yes, working on the floor does have viewing advantages doesn't it? And Your Chinese Coins quilt turned out great. I like the mix of the prints and stripes you're using, good progress.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Glad you are feeling better. Our grandchildren have all had the covid now, but Bob & I seemed to have dodged it so far. And yes, I too find working on the design floor helpful... you see things quite differently, especially if it can all stay there for a few days! Also, I find taking photos for my posts helpful to suddenly realise something isn't quite working!
I rather like the light green in this. Curious now to see what you end up doing...

Ann said...

I'm so sorry you got Covid but glad you are up and around again. Fighting back is tough work.
Both this quilt and the previous one have distinct color groups that make them work. Some of your "rejects" may work a little further on.