Tuesday, 19 April 2022


This quilt is still the boss of me but I am fine with that.  I hadn't planned to do anything else with the chunky wedge shapes that I used in this and this, but nonetheless happened.

and then it happened again.
I also hadn't planned to start sewing things together straight away, but look what happened next. 
I hadn't planned to use denim. So unprepared was I for denim, in fact, that I had to cut up a pair of my own jeans.  They were a little stained and only fit for the garden, but they were most definitely still in use.  Not any more!  Whoever is in charge, it's still not me.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

You might not be the boss, but you get high marks for listening and following directions. I don't know if I could cut up a pair of jeans I still had in use!

Cheryl said...

Never had a quilt order me to cut up my own clothing, but you gotta listen to them! Hope you weren't wearing them at the time! (:

Anonymous said...

I like what this quilt is telling you! :o)
Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

Janie said...

O! This is off to a great adventure. Spring is the right time for that I think.
I unpieced a quilt top that had been bothering me for a while. I just couldn’t bring myself to want to finish it.
Finally I did what had to be done and the air has cleared. All the parts and pieces will go somewhere else.

patty a. said...

Love it! Sounds like your clothes better watch out! They could end up being cut up with no warning! LOL!!!

audrey said...

I'm not at all surprised to see you exploring this unit even further. Your other quilts were incredible and so striking.:) Adding your own clothes into the mix will make it more special I'm sure.