Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Going round again

As is so often the case these days, I seem to have trouble getting back to blogging.  Best of intentions and all that.  However, I had a lovely break in very beautiful places, swam lots in unfeasibly cold water and saw some much missed friends and family, so I do feel refreshed and ready for action. 

I have pulled the symmetry project out of its box and added a couple more rounds - not far to go with this now, I think.  Practically speaking I am down to scrabbling about in the odd shaped scraps for most of these fabrics, and although stubbornness might sustain me for a couple more sessions, that will be it.  
I am managing to vary things just enough to keep myself interested, although I have also been considering taking another run at this challenge but approaching it differently.  I often make a lot of chunks and then shuffle them about until the arrangement pleases me; I think I could make the chunks symmetrical but not worry so much about the overall arrangement.  However, there are other ideas calling me too, so who knows what next.

Occasionally I add a note here to thank all the no-reply commenters.  On my last post I had a particularly lovely, generous comment from Tawa, and couldn't respond directly, so I am hoping you might read this - thank you so much for taking the time, it made my day.  I am grateful, of course for all the comments I get, and if there is an email I always reply.  If you don't get a response, it means you are 'no-reply'.  If you feel inclined, you can add an email address in your comment, or send it to me separately.  


Ann said...

How delightful to have a vacation with loved ones. I only enjoy cold water after I’m out of it.
And I need to work on an asymmetrical quilt soon. Perhaps a baby quilt since several more are needed.
Best to you all. Stay safe.

Mystic Quilter said...

I'm happy to read you enjoyed your holiday and caught up with family and friends again.Are schools back or is it another week?
Quilt - I like your recent additions and seeing your post has reminded me that I must get on with an asymmetrical! This will be a brain teaser for me Kaja! I read that Britain is still having a great many new Covid cases, take good care of yourselves!!

patty a. said...

So glad to see you posted and the additional rounds on the quilt top look great. I'm glad you had a wonderful vacation with family.

Janie said...

Glad to see you're back and refreshed!
I read that cold water showers (however shocking!) are supposed to be good for you, so I've been taking cool showers and enjoying it! And yes, when the cooler weather moves in I'll adjust the temperature accordingly.
Your design looks attractive, great progress and more to come!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm so glad you got the refreshing break and were able to catch up and see much missed friends and family. We are still not sure when we can safely see family again; my in-laws just cancelled a trip for early October due to the bad surge we are having here. It's a bit heart breaking, to be honest. But enough of that! This is looking great and I hope you enjoy working with the last scraps until the quilt tells you it is finished.

audrey said...

For some reason I thought you were done with this one. I am loving the darker color on the outside border now! Wonderful addition. Really brings everything together so well.:)

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Love this, everything looks so balanced, and that check is delightful! Glad you had a good break and were able to catch up with family.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What an interesting quilt you are creating. Best of luck with finishing it up!

Shelina said...

I am glad you had a good vacation. Love the pretty pinks and blues on this quilt.

QuiltGranma said...

Quilts like the one shown inspire me to do something a bit different from what I did in the past. I have a little quilt that shows promise something different, and I'm liking it! Just like I like the DIFFERENT that you are doing above.