Tuesday 18 May 2021

Tulip Mania, done for now

 And just like that, I am calling this one done.  I spent a fruitless but relatively enjoyable morning yesterday shuffling my bits around, trying different placings for my tulips and trying to figure out how to fill the gaps that result from staggering the square blocks. In the end nothing I did had a significant impact so I just got on and sewed my blocks together.  

I am happier with how this has ended up than I expected to be.  One of the things I have learnt from this is that asymmetry definitely pleases me more than symmetry, so I started liking it more as soon as I figured out ways to break the pattern up a bit.  I like that the string centres are not exactly in the middle of their blue surrounds, so that they dance around rather than lining up neatly and I like that the little strips disrupt the lines of blue.  Mind you, I also really like that central block of tulips, so I guess, as always, that it all comes down to balance.  


Julierose said...

Lovely finish--those darker blues really bring all your blocks to life...
nice work Hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

The top turned out lovely and I am glad you are happy with the final outcome. This one was a real struggle, but you saw the project thru to completion of a cool top!

Paulette said...

It turned out beautifully! I like the groupings of tulips. They do grow in clumps, so it looks natural. There is a wonderful balance in your asymmetry.

Robin said...

So glad you're pleased with the results. This quilt turned out so pretty. Some quilts just want to wrestle with you (like little boys playing) until you feel the joy. Nice work!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I think this project has been full of a lot of really great moments that helped you know what you like about a project more. It came together so beautifully!

Kim said...

Wow....and just like that it's done.=) Your contemplation and fights with this one has ended up in a fabulous design. Those dark blues dancing around the tulips are inspired. Kaja, you are the queen of the assymetrical; you really are!

Anonymous said...

Love it!
Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

Quiltdivajulie said...

Congratulations on finding your way through this long and winding journey! I really like what you created.

Ann said...

An interesting point that makes me realize how much I lean to symmetry. I admire how beautifully your create asymmetry. And love thhe way the dark blues set off all your previous work. What a treat to see how differently you worked through this QAL. Congratulations.

cspoonquilt said...

Great Finish! Yes! Symmetry is great for somethings but when it comes to my quilting I tend to like asymmetry more. I like the surprises it brings.

audrey said...

This turned out to be fantastic! Love, love, love the different blues in the background and the asymmetry that you're so good at. I'm always trying more for symmetry and have to remind myself to branch out a little! Really wonderful to follow along with all your twists and turns, the way you focus in on the things that bother you and then plow on ahead with the things that matter. Great job pulling this together and still managing to get your special voice embedded into the seams!:)

R's Rue said...


Shelina said...

Wonderful! It really does look like the tulips are dancing in the garden.

Mary Marcotte said...

You know, all this talk of symmetry and asymmetry has me thinking: it might be a good challenge idea to keep in mind for the future. The challenge being to push yourself in a direction you tend to avoid.
Anyway, I love the tulip quilt! Like a little cottage garden, things seem to have started out in rows, but then everything did what it does naturally, so you have tulips and flowers growing whereever they want to be. It also has a stained glass feel to it. I think it's the blue. Really, when you found the blues, you found gold.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh yes, I'd say done and beautiful! I love watching your quilts come to life. Beautiful!

JustGail said...

For as much as you struggled with this, you came up with a fantastic quilt. From that first attempt, which pulled my eye every which way, to this version took lots of hard work and thought. I love the whole quilt, and yet each bit is interesting at the same time. Does that make sense?. Well done!

Mystic Quilter said...

Only just catching upon your posts Kaja but wow - your quilt is a real treasure. I too love the centre block of the tulips, very harmonious setting of all the blocks.