Thursday, 13 May 2021

Old-fashioned progress post

I had a happy moment this week when I discovered I had more tulip blocks than I had realised.  I had been unpicking upstairs because there was someone working on my fireplace downstairs.  When he finished I moved back down but left said tulips behind.  I think they may just be enough to get me over the line on this without having to sew any more blocks.  That would be a bit of a result. 

Here are two versions I have been playing around with.  I have been struggling with the symmetrical nature of this piece and trying to come up with a way to disrupt that a bit.  This photo is me wondering if I could add something - either one fabric or something pieced into the mix.  So far I haven't found anything that would work and if a fabric doesn't present itself this is rather dead end.
In the second picture I am just trying to use the extra tulips to move the eye around.  I think this may work out better.

Either way, I think this is not going to get much larger; I'm not going to keep going just for the sake of it and even if I haven't settled exactly on a final version, it rather feels like there's not far to go now.


Gale Bulkley said...

This is amazing.

Julierose said...

A tough choice-- but I think I like the 2nd version pictured here....
I do love those dark blues a lot hugs, Julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

It does feel like you are very close on this one!

Robin said...

I like the 2nd one too but maybe it's because it is all together, no tile showing between. I'm glad you found those extra tulip blocks.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Not sure you need to introduce anything else - it's looking good.

patty a. said...

That was great you found those tulip blocks! I do like the layout in the second picture. You did break up the symmetry a bit and I think it looks really good! Time to stick a fork in it and call it done!

Ann said...

The extra tulips work. I like both versions and appreciate the explanations. Neither are things I would have thought of myself. So neat.

Mary Marcotte said...

I liked the blue background last week, but now that you've added the additional tulips (and colors) I really like it. You found the answer and it doesn't seem that it was such a struggle as I've seen from you before. I mean this in every good way. If I were to choose (and I'm glad I don't have to because it's a tough choice) I'd go with the second version. But there's so much to love about this quilt that it would be terribly difficult.

cspoonquilt said...

I like your take on the tulip and string blocks and the dark background really sets them all off!

Carli The Quilter said...

2nd layout is a better distribution for the eye for sure!! Cheerful quilt!