Friday 12 February 2021

Not one, but two

One row, one column and so close to an end I can smell the finish line.  Only now it's half term, so we'll have to see how it goes next week.

I knew I wanted triangles across the top, so that bit was easy, but the strip that is with them was one I had already made specially for the bottom left corner.  I'll have to rethink that, I guess.

Then, although I don't need more width, I had to come back down the side.  I know, I know, it is my quilt and I could abandon the medallion at this point and just add across the bottom.  Only I've come this far...

so I've added just a wee narrow piece to get me back down to the bottom again.  Most of it is the same fabric that I used in the wee houses.  I'm very happy with how it looks; I much prefer it to finishing with the sharp yellow on the edge.  

I'm also nearing an end with my current quilting project.  It's not one I've blogged, which always feels odd, but I'm no more than a week off a total finish, with just a couple of days of quilting and then binding to go.  Like buses, my finishes are all coming at once.


Julierose said...

I agree on the lower border color--looks great.
This is such a welcoming want to stop by and look all around;))) hugs, Julierose

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Looking good, and how timely to have a quilt top and quilting finish up at nearly the same time. I like it when things line up nicely like that.

Ann said...

The print on the left looks good. I also notice the mix of four-patch and longer/wider? units one row in. Love that combination.
Enjoy half term. It takes all your time now but then they are gone and we wish we could relive that exciting mayhem.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I agree with your decision to come down the left side again and keep that yellow on the inside of the outer edge. Happy to see so much progress!

patty a. said...

I love the happy triangles! The overall look of this pieces is happy and comforting. I can't wait to see the quilt you almost have done. Such a tease! :)

Mystic Quilter said...

Beautifully balance Kaja, I do love how you've experimented with this quilt and perhaps you have now reached the finish line!