Monday, 3 February 2020

The sound of a coin dropping

Do you ever have those days when you feel like you've made lots of progress until you look at the photos?  I often do.  Sometimes there's a job that takes ages (in this case sewing on a new column) but at the end things look almost the same as when the pieces were just laid out on the floor.  Ho hum.  On the bright side, I have done one more very long, very bendy seam and let me tell you, that feels like an achievement.  
And yes, I know that the next one is going to be even bendier but strangely I'm quite looking forward to it.

Of course that's not all I have done; I've been plugging away at the top right too.  I tried lots of versions that didn't quite float my boat then had a moment of clarity.  When I started I was taking two sets of strips with one fabric in common, using the black to get them to the same width, then working with those longer units.  For some reason I had stopped doing that and was tinkering away with the individual, much shorter sets of coins.  No wonder I didn't feel like I was getting the same sense of flow.  As soon as the coin dropped (!) I went back to making the longer bits and things got easier.  

This is where I ended up (though as per the previous conversation, I may forget half of this when I get it out again.
And finally, as I get closer to the wire, here are the three fabrics of which I have the least left (the tiles are 13" squares).


Kate @ Smiles From Kate said...

This is such an interesting quilt. So many details like the little hourglass blocks and great fabrics too. I love the bendy seams.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oooh, I think you've made a lot of progress. It's really starting to come together and I'm always in awe of how far you can stretch your fabrics.

Kim said...

Your creative brain is a delight. Love those bendy seams

Angie said...

I love everything about this!!

patty a. said...

Approximately what is the length of this top right now? It does look like it is a long seam to stitch from the top to the bottom. It looks so good! I guess with you running out of those three fabrics you will either have to say once I run out of fabric that is the size the quilt top will be or substitute something else.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

I love hearing your thought processes almost as much as I enjoy seeing the outcome! Thanks for sharing.

Ann said...

You had to explain your original process before I could see it clearly. I've liked your previous photos but didn't understand how you managed to put them together. The rationale, not how to sew. This clarifies it and I like it even better. Good luck stretching those remaining bits into the rest of your space. You will do it wonderfully!

Mystic Quilter said...

I think you've made a lot of progress after looking at these photos. I like what you've done top right and you really are going to have cut carefully into the three small pieces of fabric. Approx size at present Kaja?

audrey said...

So interesting when we get caught up in the weeds and don't realize for a bit that we've lost the big picture. I love your long bendy piecing. The organic look to your quilts is the best!:)

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