Friday, 7 February 2020

Considering my options.

Slowly this gets bigger.  Rather more quickly my pile of fabrics is getting smaller, which is causing me a few dilemmas.

When I started today, this is what was laid out on the floor:
Currently it's only about 30" wide, so I've got a fair way to go.  I finished off the next strips on the right and then pressed on.
I don't know if you can see all the tiny little pink bits, straightening me up, but they are pleasing me greatly.  

The layout below is not at all under consideration, but when I was packing up I laid out all the strip sets I have made, to see how far short they fall of what I will need.  Quite a way is the answer.  

Initially I thought I would eke out the floral bits - sprinkle them here and there in such a way that they got me all the way over the the far side.  Unfortunately trying to do that left me mired down in a world of brown and grey, which wasn't where I wanted to be at all.  So I am going to use them as if there were an infinite supply until they are gone and then think about next steps.
I might try and find something similar.: a light floral or pink/yellow print of some kind.  Alternatively I can use the fabrics I do still have plenty of and let things get darker and moodier.  In the meantime, while I wait for inspiration,  I'll keep piecing together every last tiny bit I've got.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I think that continuing on is a good idea and I'm curious if you'll find other similar fabrics to substitute in. I'm sure it will all work out in good time!

Robin said...

Not knowing the end from the beginning is very brave. I have to have enough fabric to make mistakes at the beginning or I fret the whole time. It's so interesting to watch you work.

Kris said...

I think this is cool and inspiring. You have really made something great from all the bits. Keep going and I can't wait to see what you end up with.

Shelina said...

I love watching your progress as you build your quilts. I find it interesting that you are building the quilt in columns. I usually do rows. Yes, I see the pink pieces (the red plaid?) that serve as spacers. I used spacers in my improv quilt and I really liked the way they added an extra bit of whimsy to the quilt, and I like yours too.

Ann said...

Perhaps it's the time of year but I'm seeing foggy nights with bits of love and hope shining through (the pink bits.) What fun you will having deciding how to work through your fabric choices and illuminate your ideas. Thanks for sharing.

Sharon said...

I think it's interesting that you're making this quilt in columns, instead of the chunks that my mind works in! I can imagine that joining columns makes for a looong seam!
I think what you've got here is interesting. It will be fun to see what else you add to it when you use up the florals you started with. That is the fun part of improv!

Mary Marcotte said...

I like those grays and darker pieces interspersed with the lights. I can see how it would get moodier if you run out of contrast, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The reds and stripes/plaids are a flash of color that prevents the mood from becoming truly dark. I realize that they are much darker than the light yellows and pinks, but the interest and contrast they add has value in a different way from the dark pieces. (I hope this makes sense!)

Mystic Quilter said...

You well know that I my usual choice for my quilts is colour and lots of it but I have to say that I am enjoying the 'moody' colours in this piece of yours, very much!!

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

You work in such an interesting way, I love it! Do you panic midway? I tend to start out implusively, not working out the maths, but because I use lots of scraps, I can usually substitute. It's all looking great so far, love the little bits of pink, and look forward to seeing what happens next.

patty a. said...

You have gotten a lot done since you last posted! I do love the bits of pink here and there. Substituting another light colored fabric will only enhance the handmade nature of this piece.