Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Sitting and staring

I am quilting as much as I can manage at the moment, since I have two quilts on the go.  One is still The Shipping Forecast, which is, it turns out, massive.  I get discouraged and put off going back to it, but that's no way to get it done.  I also have a lego quilt I need to get done, so I am alternating.  The lego blocks offer more encouragement since it's easy to gauge progress and I'm hoping it will gee me up a bit.

I have also been looking at this tiny pile of shirts for the best part of a week.
I had been thinking I would like to stick with the Trip Around the World thing for another quilt, but I'm not sure these are the right fabrics for that.  I have also been struggling with adding to my pile.  Eventually I came up with this:
but I know this is not enough fabric so I still need to find more.  There's also not yet enough variation in either pattern or tone to please me.  

One of the consequences of my changed buying patterns over the last 3 years is that my stash is smaller and sometimes that means I struggle to find a solution to a specific problem.  I am reflecting on this, as we belt towards year end.  I can't imagine abandoning my basic approach but either I need to consider investing a bit in rebuilding an organic stash or in holding a bigger stash of shirting.   I am wondering whether I might get some project boxes up and running, so that I could save a pile I like until such time as I find the extra it needs to progress to quilthood.  

In the meantime I will revisit my boxes one more time and maybe run around a charity shop or two, in the hope that I can find a solution.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I like the idea of project boxes, too, but find when I implement them the projects (or project ideas) languish. Maybe that's just me, though.

patty a. said...

I like that large plaid and what you have pulled to go with it. I think you are smart to wait until you think you have enough fabric.

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

I quit buying fabric in 2001. My stash wasn't what I consider huge to begin with, I have a friend with more holiday themed fabric than my whole stash :) It certainly has made a more inventive and interesting quilter out of me. :) Sharyn

Janie said...

Great fun, the planning and choosing part.
That orange (or is it red) fabric, makes the group sing.
Choosing the right balance between subdued and saturated is where the magic happens.

Ann said...

I love these plaids, prints and solids. Somehow a bit of bright in a plaid doesn't seem as overwhelming as the same color in a solid or print. And it certainly adds spark. I think a bit of judicious purchases of shirting and organics might be helpful. I'm sorting mine out at the moment. I pulled a bunch of fabric for "backs or baby quilts" but think I need to put them back in the boxes. I forget about things that are removed unless it's for a specific quilt. I hadn't thought about project boxes. Mine just sit on the floor and remind me to limit my new projects... sometimes.
There will probably be lots of new stuff donated right after Christmas.

Robin said...

Isn't it fun to have an idea brewing in your head? I'm always happiest when I'm in the middle of designing a new project. You've got such an interesting combination of fabrics. I'm glad another trip around the world is being considered.

Julierose said...

I like those golden yellows...and the big plaid --will be interesting to see how it looks cut up...I have been sewing 4-patches with no actual idea in mind..just need to sew them for some reason;)))
hugs, Julierose

Quiltdivajulie said...

I have put myself on the no-buy-for-awhile wagon and am having fun creating scrappy backs in lieu of buying lots more yardage. I agree with Ann that you're coming up on the time of year when folks clean out to make room for the new and/or start on their 2020 resolution to clean out their closet. Good luck with the charity shops - you'll find things to make it work, you always do!

audrey said...

I have project boxes and project stacks. It works perfectly when I suddenly find exactly the right piece or pieces of fabric I need to get going and other times, I completely lose the momentum to even start. I really admire your ability to make from the limited choices and continually find good ways to add upcycled shirting fabrics. It's definitely inspired me to add in the occasional shirting to my stash totes and not just throw them out. I think the lack of buying would send me bonkers though. It's really too bad that organic fabrics are so ridiculously expensive and not more readily available!

Marly said...

I Love that multi-coloured plaid and you've got a nice collection on the right there to pick out its colours. I'm not so keen on the grey and the smaller plaid on the left, but I'm sure you'll be surprising me by combining them beautifully with the others.

cspoonquilt said...

It looks like a good start to me! I've made a number of quilts with my shirting fabrics and I'm done with that basket but still find it hard to toss away on account of the history but f you are interested I would be happy to send them your way. cheers!

Kim said...

I admire your ability to use whatever you have in your boxes to fashion each quilt. The fabrics you have pulled out for your next quilt is looking great. Perhaps you will happen upon some suitable shirts when you next visit the thrift shop.

Mystic Quilter said...

I like the collection you have here and the stripey one on the right is really bright and quite bold, lots of different fabrics could be used with this one.
Project boxes - a good idea I think, saves hunting around for the fabrics you had thought of using 'someday' but then have to hunt for ages to find them.

Mary Marcotte said...

When still teaching, I used a rolling carts with shallow drawers to organize supplies. It retired with me and went directly to the studio where it essentially became a project organizer. With the fabric I include notes and drawings of the intended quilt.
Now your fabric pull I really like but I agree it feels "safe." That black/neutral seems pull everything together so maybe a deep dark indigo will work. Something not muted to throw in bold contrast.

Carli The Quilter said...

Merry Holidays and all that natter!

I love this first pull of color, its always a thrill to languish on piles of fabric still yet in the mix.


Monica said...

Happy new year! I am all about new inputs and different perspectives rn, maybe a new shop or a different section of the shop will inspire you?