Sunday 1 September 2019

End of summer catch up

Well that was the summer.  Already here the air smells of the coming winter, but I shall try to enjoy the autumn and not fret too much about the fact that in a month or two it will be unpleasantly cold and dark.

The last few weeks have not been entirely unproductive.  I learned from last year and packed myself a little kit to take on holiday, as a result of which I have another lighthouse ready to be backed.  
I have used a different bird fabric this time and opted for piecing in with other blues rather than using it in bigger chunks.  I like how this looks and it also makes the bird fabrics, of which I have limited stocks, stretch as far as possible.  
Since I came back I have also been trying to press on with the quilt currently in the hoop.  It's a bigger quilt than the last few I've done, so I can quilt and quilt and still not really seem much further on. as a result I'm finding it rather hard going but know there's nothing for it but to carry on. 

I am full of good resolutions about hitting the ground running this month, both with my sewing and blogging.  The last couple of years I have struggled to build momentum after the summer and I don't want to follow that pattern again.  Let's see how that goes!

In the meantime I'm linking up with Kathy for Slow Sunday Stitching.  


Sarah said...

That bird fabric is lovely and a great job on the lighthouse! I get what you mean with quilting a large project. I looked at mine yesterday and can't quite get myself motivated to pick it up again! But you are right small steps!

Karrin Hurd said...

I adore your lighthouse, and love that bird fabric!

Jill said...

Very nice quilt stitches. Quilted lighthouses are so appropriate for summer stitching. Good luck on staying motivated. I totally understand.

LA Paylor said...

all those seams to sew across too. Well your mantra of sew slowly is good for this project. It's a good one Kaja... very nice fabric choices.

Libby in TN said...

Always nice to catch us with you again. Lovely quilting and very bold to go dark.

Little Penpen said...

Beautiful stitches!!

Robin said...

The lighthouse is quilted so tightly together. I love the look. I am working on a quilt for a friend right now. It is a lovely quilt but it is all the same and I can't really see much progress visually so I'm really dragging my feet. But, like you say, "there's nothing for it but to carry on." I am at the halfway point so it's downhill from here. What size hoop are you using?

Janie said...

Your lighthouse is exciting with color, stitches and texture.
And It's good that you remembered to pack a kit! Nice progress with hand quilting.

Mystic Quilter said...

Good to see you back after your Summer break Kaja. I love the little lighthouse and what a good idea taking a ready made kit on holiday with you. How large is the quilt in the hoop?

Shelina said...

Beautiful lighthouse! Although I don't usually like autumn because it has the foreboding of winter, I am really appreciating the cooler weather since our summer was so unbearably hot. Every time I come to your blog after having complained about how long it takes to machine quilt a quilt, I am humbled by your hand quilting. Your hand quilting is so beautiful.

Marly said...

A beautiful addition to the lighthouse collection. I know what you mean about hand quilting a larger quilt! I've been doing little else for the last month! Have you drawn your quilting lines on the quilt or are you miraculously getting them parallel?

Mego said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the lighthouse...I am still dreaming of MY lighthouses...maybe this winter. GOOD JOB!

Ann said...

Beautiful quilting. I love the close parallel lines. Great idea to stretch your bird fabric. It looks better than it would if you'd used a solid piece. More like birds flock in the air.
We are enjoying the last few warm days here, too, although schools are back in session.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Your lighthouse is splendid! Wishing you well with the momentum. Mine comes and goes depending on family and life in general - once and a while things synchronize for a few hours (LOL).

patty a. said...

The lighthouse turned out lovely! I have been doing some slow stitching myself on that double wedding ring quilt. I have put some serious hours in it lately, but it doesn't seem like I am getting much done. I guess that is why it is call slow stitching! LOL!! I have to take some time tonight and count how many melons are in the quilt and count how many I have done. I will still have the centers to quilt, but at least if I track the melons percentage wise like I like to do, I can at least get some sense of how much is done. I don't want to contact the lady this quilt belongs to until I am on the downside of getting it done.

Sandy Panagos said...

Your light houses are the best!

liniecat said...

Here in Hull the air altered somehow last week, despite the warmth, it was obvious Autumn had arrived.
And this week I’ve noticed tree leaves tinting orange ... darker mornings and evenings ... sigh ...
And since I work term time, I’m back at work lol another sure sign of Autumn!
Lighthouses could be your signature since you do them so wonderfully !

Doris said...

Lovely piece in the hoop. So many stiches ... it will be great. And your lighthouse gives a summer feeling.

Mary Marcotte said...

So many beautiful blues here, Kaja. I like the birds. They are a great reminder of swarms of seagulls at the beach. They also make me think of the fat doves swarming the feeders in our back yard.
Another sign of autumn is the many migrating birds. I'm not looking forward to the lack of sunlight, but we're in the throes of a heatwave and, goodness!, it's hot here. 103 today--hopefully the hottest it will get.
I know it feels like the big quilt is taking forever, but I love those curved stitching lines. Beautiful contrast to the hard edges of the straight lines and HSTs. You really know what you're doing.

Quilter Kathy said...

Totally delicious photos of your gorgeous hand quilting!
That would/does inspire me to stick with it in spite of not much visible progress!