Thursday, 16 May 2019

Feeling summery

I know that the process of selling and buying a house works a bit differently in the US but here, once you are on the market, nothing else can happen until you have a buyer.  So I had a plan for this hiatus and to be fair it was not a bad plan.  In fact elements of it will probably still happen.  But in the meantime I decided a bit of shirt shopping was in order.  

I found these
and, hanging all together on one rail, I found these.
It is lovely and sunny here at the moment and they made me think of ice-cream.  Not a palette I have tried before or would have thought of in other circumstances, but there they all were, calling my name.

So I took what life offered me, scooped them up and packed them into my extra-large shirt-shopping bag.  

Back home I have had a dig around in my boxes and come up with something that might work.
It's certainly worth a go.  


Julierose said...

Loving those ice-cream flavors' shirt colors--wouldn't they just make a lovely light summer quilt? Can't wait to see what you come up with this time..hugs, Julierose

patty a. said...

You found some great shirts to add to your stash!

Quiltdivajulie said...

This one is going to be summery-wonderful!! Glad you listened to those shirts that were calling to you!

Janie said...

Yes, summery colors and prints, they're lovely together. I hope your house sells soon. We had a rain shower and wind this morning, still spring here.

Robin said...

You really found some great looking shirts. How lucky is that?

Kat Scott said...

Great looking shirts - especially the coral!

Mystic Quilter said...

Good results from your shopping Kaja! So, your house is on the market, very uncertain times in Britain with Brexit still in the melting pot!

Ann said...

Good luck with your house sale. I am curious how it works in the UK. The shirts are delightful, perfect colors for summer and a diversion from home selling.

Paulette said...

All those beautiful shirts make me smile! Great finds!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh what fun! Can't wait to see what you come up with. I'm hungry just thinking about it!

Shelina said...

I came across two other blogs today where people are moving. Must be the season! I wish you well in the new phase of your life. Those shirts are fabulous! Our thrift stores are numerous but they tend to be pricey - not much less than buying new when on sale.

audrey said...

Good luck with the house selling soon! So painful to have potential buyers tromping through our homes though. Uggh! Glad you're finding some quilting to work on. Trying to imagine what and where you'll end up with these brighter colors!

Kim said...

Oh, I think life has offered you a gorgeous selection of shirts, Kaja. Love, love, love those ice cream-ery ones. I too, cannot wait to see what magic you whip up with these pretty shirts.

Lisa J. said...

These are very pretty. I will enjoy seeing what you do with them.