Friday, 15 March 2019

When life gives you plaids...

Sometimes life just doesn't play nice.  Off I went to the charity shops, looking for dark, dark reds and some pattern that wasn't plaid. What did I find?  Nothing really dark, no patterns, but a whole pile of lovely plaids and stripes.
I have taken this as a sign and am going to work with what I have.

I think that if the plaids and stripes dominate my reds, they will balance all the plain and plain-ish fabrics I have in my pile of other colours.  I've started by making some sets of strips - wider than I would normally use but I'm trying to apply some of the lessons from Playing with Scale and not always start with the skinniest options.  Here's an example.
I'm planning to make a pile along these lines and then figure out what next.  I might use them as a version of Chinese Coins, might cut squares from them, or triangles or...who knows?  At least I am handling my fabrics and getting a feel for the colours and how they work together.


Wendy Caton Reed said...

Off to a good start! We don't have a good thrift store in our area. Goodwill prices are high and it is hard to find good cotton shirts. It doesn't stop me from looking though! You really find good stuff!

Ann said...

You found a great collection of reds. Wish I was there. ;-)

audrey said...

And when I go thrift shopping looking for plaids, I've been striking out! That bolder red plaid is very striking!

Janie said...

Oh the possibilities!
It looks like you have some good contrast choices that will
work well with squares, triangles, rectangles, coins or even circles.
Good start.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Starting is the hardest part. You found some great plaids/stripes and perhaps the next time those darker reds will be waiting for you.

Shelina said...

I really like the reds! Our thrift shops are very pricey for clothes.

patty a. said...

It is good you at least found some reds. I like the stripes with the plaids and the high contrast you have going on. This is going to be an interesting project.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

I love watching your process. You sum it up exactly, you have a feel for the fabrics