Monday 11 March 2019

Playing with Scale: done and dusted

I may be (still) behind with a lot of things, but my quilting is going just fine and as a result I have my second finish of the year, which makes me feel a whole lot better about everything else.
It's quilted with wonky concentric diamonds, largely following the shapes in the piecing. 
As usual you get a better idea from the back.
The binding is a black and white print - random letters, I think it's an old Cloud 9 print.
And the details.

Finished sized 65" square.

Pieced from a pile of shirts (you can see where I started here) and fabrics from stash.  The wadding is an organic cotton, new-to-me option.  There's been a wee bit of bearding showing on the black fabrics as I quilted, but it's pretty much settled down already so that wouldn't put me off using it again.  The quilting is done with perle no. 8 - I just pulled out everything in greens, browns, black, white, that I had in the box and got on with it. 

This was started on 30th January 2018 and the piecing was finished on 13th March that year.

I started quilting on 3rd February this year, finished on 9th March.

I feel like I met the challenge, to play around with scale pretty well, since I worked with much bigger units than I normally would and also used that large-scale black and green print.  And I made my first string quilt into the bargain, so all round I'm pretty happy with things.


Shelina said...

Wow it only took you a month to hand quilt that! I am much much slower than that at hand quilting. Congratulations on a great finish!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Fabulous finish. And yes, quilting should be at the top of our lists!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The detail of your quilting on the back is fantastic and it looks like it melts into the front. Congratulations on your second finish of the year!

patty a. said...

Congratulations on another finish! You should be very happy with yourself. I still need to quilt by hand that double wedding ring quilt. I had better jump on that. Now if I could just quilt it as fast as you quilted this one!

Ann said...

Looking at your quilt now I notice how you paired the large dark triangles and made geese-like structures. I like the way they are arranged across the top. Previously I only saw the strings. Funny how our perspective changes when the quilting is complete.
A wonderful use of the shirts. I always admire the way you find fabric to work with your old shirts.

audrey said...

Fabulous finish! Hand quilting is the perfect touch for this one. There's just something about this quilt that has always spoken to me. I adore the colors and the deep tones to it, the homespun charm and the freestyle piecing. This is a winner of a quilt!

Janie said...

That's a beautiful utility style quilt Kaja.
I like the back and your hand quilting is perfect.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

A great way to use those shirts, I love it! It's amazing how adding in that subtle change in scale with the larger black & green print makes it so interesting. And all your hand quilting makes this one very special, & cosy too.

Robin said...

Wonderful finish! I was interested to hear in your own words what you did to fulfill the challenge. We all have a different interpretation of the quilts we see and now I understand your concept. Again, so interesting. Your creative process works so differently from mine so I'm anxious to learn new things.

Cathy said...

Fantastic! And I especially love the way you hand quilted it.

Quiltdivajulie said...

I think you should be very pleased with your challenge results. It's wonderful!

Kim said...

Well.....I think you are amazing! I always love to visit you and read your thoughts on the process each time and what stage you are up to. Seeing this quilt in its finished state is wonderful. Your design is fabulous, the combination of fabrics inspired and your hand quilting is just perfect for this quilt. Gosh you are a speedy hand quilter....says one who takes forever to hand quilt. =) A most fascinating and sublime finish!

Mary Marcotte said...

Well goodness, Kaja! Anyone would feel better about everything else with this finish! I thought there was drama before, but the quilting just ups the wow! level by several degrees. My very favorite, though, are those curves--just enough to keep us guessing! Wonderful!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I really like these colors!

cspoonquilt said...

Congratulations on the finish! I think the quilting is really great and I can't believe you finished it so quickly?! It would have taken me years!!! I like the way you give yourself personal challenges, looking for ways to make things differently. No pattern, just go-for-it!

Sujata Shah said...

What a gorgeous quilt! I love the colors and all forms of organic things happening in your quilt! Your hand quilting is stunning! So glad to have seen this finish. I also love your current project. You have inspired me today, thank you!