Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Mixing things up a bit

Going slowly on this one.  I've made a few more leaf-ish shapes.  I like how they look but have been sewing like a dunce, so I'm not enjoying the making.  And I do mean like a dunce; not the occasionally little pucker that I needed to unpick, but sewing on entire extra piece I'd picked up by mistake, or sewing the two sides of the leaf together.  Nevertheless I persisted, though you can see I was so fed up that there wasn't a lot of pressing going on.  It was more a case of sewing then chucking it on the floor!
I've also made 2 new versions of the string block; one using a whole page of the phone book.  The other uses the 6x5 bit that's left after I take a 6x6 square.  I'm adding a strip to make it up to the 6x6 size.
This starts to feel like something I could work with, though it's not quite there yet.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The leaf shapes definitely add some interest. I have had those days, too, and hopefully the next time you sit down to sew it goes smoother.

Libby in TN said...

The touches of teal add a bit of freshness.

patty a. said...

I like the variation of the string block sizes. Along with the leaf shapes there seems to be more of a look to the piece - meaning not so thought out, but it all relates to each other if that makes sense.

Pam said...

I love your leaves! I'm impressed that you can piece them at all even if you feel like a dunce! I'm pretty sure I would just have to applique them...at least with my current piecing skill set.

Thanks for sharing your work and your feelings....it's so much more helpful than just seeing someone's work and believing that it was all perfectly easy and delightful for them to create!!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

glad to see the rehabilitation of brown in these blocks! Brown is very underrated I think. Have you ever basted a quilt to the carpet, or the bedspread?

Mystic Quilter said...

Yes, looking good!!

Soma @ inkTorrents.com said...

The leaves look really pretty though, they look wonderful with rest of the design.


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