Thursday 7 June 2018

Comes a time

There comes a time when you have to stop making bits, stop arranging and rearranging and commit to something, otherwise you just drive yourself nuts.  I had added and taken away, laid things out this way and that way and no lightning bolt of inspiration had struck yet, so I decided to give it a bit of a shove.

Not a big shove, more of a nudge, actually, but I did sew a couple of bits together.  To be precise, I  sewed 9 bits together.
This  barely made a dent in the pile of string blocks scattered over the kitchen floor, but I felt better for it.
Then I sewed together 4 more.  The 9 blocks on the right are just laid out, so you can see I went back to playing after that, but I think more of those rectangular bits are the order of the day.


patty a. said...

I really like the way this is coming along. I agree - a few more rectangle bits to break up the look so it is not too consistent.

Ann said...

Adding groups of both 9 and 4 makes an interesting rhythm.

audrey said...

There's just something about those leaves that really make me smile! I love how you put that, giving yourself a nudge and committing to something! That's one of the hardest things about Improv. with me. Knowing how and when to commit. I don't know why it seems so terrifying or difficult at times when it's really more of a 'step' or phase of the process. Nothing more or less! You make it look so easy most of the time, but it's reassuring to see that it's something you have to make yourself do too.:)

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

These are so fun put together and the curved piecing here and there adds a lot!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The great thing about seams is that they can always be undone, but the progress is a really good feeling, isn't it? I hope today was a much better sewing day. :)

O'Quilts said...

I have definitely become a groupie of yours!!! nice sewing

Janie said...

Like Ann said, 'the four and the nine' look like they belong together.
Making progress!

liniecat said...

Yes the leaves are inspired and I love the nine patch ish formula too with this one : )

Judy said...

I like that approach, especially if you're feeling stuck. The blocks look great together!

Sandy Panagos said...

There you go again, having all kinds of fun! It's looking good.

Mary Marcotte said...

I think I'm seeing more colors than usual in this one. Is that right?
Those leaves! I like them!

Shelina said...

Committing is hard sometimes - okay it is hard a lot of times for me - because it seems like it closes a big world of opportunity, but I am always amazed at how much it opens other opportunities that I didn't even know were there.