Thursday 5 April 2018

The beauty of proper planning is not lost on me but...

In real life I'm a big fan of planning.  In fact I'd go so far as to say I enjoy it.  Going on holiday I'm the one who figures out the best time to get the ferry, where to stay overnight, what we'll do about food en route, accommodation at the other end.   But sewing - that's another thing entirely and all my planning instincts fly out the window.

So, it occurs to me that there is a logical way to go about a project like this, ie plan it, lay out all the pieces on your design wall/floor and then figure out the best way to sew them together.  See - I do know that, really I do.  But can I do it that way? Not a hope.  

Instead I am back with the partial seams.  

At least I like where this is going.

Linking up with Linda and Julie for sew stitch snap SHARE #23


patty a. said...

I am not sure improv piecing and planning belong in the same sentence. LOL!! Partial seams gives a lot more flexibility in constructing a improv piece and adds complexity. This piece is coming along great and I am surprised in a good way how it looks every time I see what you have added.

Julierose said...

We all have to do what works best for ourselves--you go girl!-- cause your method surely works beautifully for your that pop of merlot fabric in there..hugs, Julierose

Gale Bulkley said...

Your process allows for a great deal of creativity. Watching your progress is inspiring.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I think it's fascinating that you allow yourself this ability to improvise when you enjoy planning in other aspects. It feels like a good fit and balance.

Marly said...

If you planned I wonder if you'd be able to change your mind about the plan part way into the process. I doubt it. You are far more open-minded about using what you've got, rather than what you think you should have. That's freedom! Keep it that way!

Janie said...

I've heard it said that some people are so open minded their brain falls out, I guess that is a form of freedom.
Just kidding!
Your curve continues and looks like it's calling the shots.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Even the best plans go astray during the sewing process, I never end up where I think I will! And it's so interesting watching you work this way. Thanks for sharing on 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

cspoonquilt said...

I like to draw and I like to plan but my favorite way to construct a quilt is to have a general idea or concept and a pile of fabric and just go for it! I struggle a lot but I think it's like sculpting with clay; pinch a bit off here , add a bit there, look at it , make adjustments. That way I stay interested. If I were following a plan there would be no surprizes along the way! I spent the morning sewing a bunch of partial seems so I get what your saying but I look at what you've done so far and I think, ' that's very cool, what's next?' Have fun!

Lisa J. said...

I like where it is going as well!

Quiltdivajulie said...

I'm watching from afar and liking (very much) what I see. Funny about that contradiction between planning and improvising . . . some people would find that an impossible combination. I get it and appreciate that you share it with all of us.

Mystic Quilter said...

Beautiful Kaja! Love how you have the improv geese curving around the fan shape.

Ann said...

An interesting point. Like the other commenters, I think much of the beauty and joy of your quilts is the lack of pre-arrangements. I won't call it planning because you do make decisions all along the way. Your method lets you change course more easily. And hey, partial seams are not difficult. Keep up the good work and inspiration to us all.

liniecat said...

Yes I'm following suit and enjoy seeing the thought processes you come up with too.
I am not good at sticking to instructions - which helped once when a bookcase was in Chinese!
I dont stick to recipes either, off on a tangent is me : )
But you manage to go off on a tangent - with improvisional second sight rather than definitive planning! ( Not sure improvisional is a real word but it fits LOL)
Love the newly introduced purple shade too!

audrey said...

I think with everything else in our life needing structure and commonsense, it makes perfect sense to think 'outside' the box with the quilting. It most definitely ends up with beautiful results in the case of your quilting!

Sandy Panagos said...

I like where it's going, too. Planning is good, but you gotta just play sometimes.

JanineMarie said...

That is such an interesting curve. It makes me wonder what's around the bend for you. Love that bit of purple. And I'm a fan of the partial seams.

Mary Marcotte said...

You get those big chunks done so quickly. I wonder at how they are so different yet work together so well. Now that you've gotten into these curves, I'm curious how you'll keep them going and end up with a squarish quilt.
Are the words the names of birds? I must have missed a post. Gotta go back and catch up now. :)

cocoya said...

Beautiful Kaja! Love how you have the improv geese curving around the fan shape.
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