Monday, 13 November 2017

And onwards...

A bit more progress.  I've just started a piece of work (yes, actual proper real-life work) that is much bigger than I was expecting and threatens to eat up all my time for the next several weeks, but I am going to try and keep carving out an hour here or there.  Non-stop intense concentration can only be maintained for limited periods without a break, so I spent some time today prepping more squares to be sewn for triangles, so that I can use my breaks productively.  It should keep this project moving, I hope.  

My ruler is on the top left-hand corner because I know the first piece I sewed was wider at the top than the bottom.  I haven't trimmed it yet but needed to estimate how wide the chunk I'm making now needed to be.  This is my low-tech way of guesstimating.   

I have been wondering as I went along how much of the text would fit on the front, and think my reluctance to finish printing is possibly connected to the feeling that masses of it would end up on the back (also, the conservatory is really cold now and that's where the printing is set up).  Now I am thinking maybe more than I thought will end up on front, which would be a good thing.


Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Good luck getting through the big pile of real work; I hope you can continue some time for yourself. I'm glad you are feeling more optimistic about the words on the front!

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

coming along really well. I have to sew in our utility room (no radiator because the wine has to stay cool.... ok for the wife to get cold! Now i admit i am intrigued, do you work in the creative industry too?

em's scrapbag said...

Little bits of time add up fast. You are making good progress.

Monica said...

Wow, it's looking really good! Hopefully "real life" won't stall it too much. :D

Ann said...

It's always nice to have paying work. Prepping triangles sounds like the perfect break, too, so you will have many choices when you return to this project.
I forgot the shipping forecast was going on this top, too. Yes. It needs to go on the front. Is it going on the borders or are you starting it like a page or ticker tape in the center and moving it around?

Janie said...

That's a good thing to take breaks and space things out.
My creativity flies out the window if I don't care for it with
breaks and 'nourishment'.

Julierose said...

I have to learn to take breaks...especially as I get older. It's good that you are working slowly--gives you time to think it through. i need to do that more...hugs, Julierose

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

I love where this piece is going. :-)

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I am totally intrigued. I want one!

patty a. said...

I hate it when a real job takes up creative time! LOL!! I guess I am use to it since I have worked all my life. I like the additions you have made with the second lighthouse and its placement.

liniecat said...

You realise your developing a nautically flavoured series now lol
Its looking great!

Robin said...

Oh, I hate it when my momentum gets interrupted. I hope you can work on this a little at a time to keep making progress. My quilting frames are downstairs and sometimes I'm just too cold to go down there. I've learned to dress really warmly and then I get my motivation back. My favorite warm piece of clothing is an ankle length heavy fleece robe that I just put on like a coat. It keeps me toasty and focused.

Mystic Quilter said...

Sounds like you're going to have to wear double layer clothing to take care of your printing! I love the way this quilt is going, always good to see your lighthouses! Good luck with the work!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Just keep stitching ...

LA Paylor said...

you know you'll find a way to make it just like you see it in your mind. I like how you abstract a concept and make it work. Always small piecing adding up to a significant piece.

audrey said...

All I can say is Wow! This is looking amazing!! And it doesn't even have any printing involved yet.:)

Mary Marcotte said...

You're making good progress! The different sized HSTs are interesting and sometimes a bit of a surprise. How you end up with anything straight and even is beyond me. I always think there will be some sort of pucker or pleat or wobble and somehow there isn't. BTW, I like the occasional mustardy-yellow in the HSTs. They help to carry the color over from the lighthouses, but it's not so much that it muddies the water. Yes, definitely making good progress.

Carli The Quilter said...

i love how your lighthouses are yellow. beacon in the mist.

Shelina said...

It is coming along quite nicely. It is a pesky thing, work. Nice for the cash, but so time consuming.