Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Time is flying past

Back to the hourglass quilt,having not looked at it for nearly a month, one way or another.  As usual I laid it out without much regard for where things had gone previously, but all I have at this point is several biggish chunks.  I moved them around a bit and went from this...

...to this.

Some of the considerations driving me now are practical: things were getting very square and on balance I prefer to end up with a rectangle; I'm trying to think about the spread of my fabrics and don't have masses of the strong purple left now.  At the moment I could easily turn this into 50" square, but am aiming to get to 50"x60" and then maybe see what I can do by way of borders.  I probably need to use more of the dirty yellow and have lots of the black floral and a fair range of scraps, but I'll fill in up the side and across the bottom first and then see where the fancy takes me.  


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Love the low volume in this quilt. I need to pull some lows I think! Congrats on the lighthouse finish. My hubby LOVES lighthouses, you need to make a pattern!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Keeping and eye toward the size you are aiming for sounds wise at this point. I like square quilts when they are large enough, but aiming for more like 50 x 60 sounds like a great size for this one. I hope you have enough of the strong purple to get where you want before considering borders.

Ann said...

I can see how moving the chunks around will help as you run out of fabric. Also agree 50x60" is a better size.

audrey said...

This has such a serene feel to it, at least on-line! I bet it was interesting pulling it back out after not working with it for several weeks, seeing it with fresh eyes!

Lynette said...

How fun to see this back out again. It's really lovely play in impromptu piecing.

Janie said...

Fun time arranging. I'll keep checking back to see which fancy takes the stage.

Mystic Quilter said...

Looking good and I think 50" x 60" would be a nice size - keep playing!

patty a. said...

I really like this piece. I look forward to see what you add to resolve the challenges of this piece.

Mary Marcotte said...

If anyone can squeeze a few inches from her bits and pieces, you're the girl. I'm curious about the size of the smallest of your pieces, just because so feel free to ignore me.
The yellow is an interesting color. I don't normally choose yellow, but I've been buying more of it lately just to push myself toward some of those uncomfortable colors. It's not been so bad after all.