Sunday, 17 September 2017

Quick quilting update

Just in case you thought I wasn't quilting at the moment, here's a quick shot of the latest quilt in the hoop.

This is the last of my Quilty 365 tops from last year.  It nearly missed its turn, as I was a bit unsure about how to quilt something that already had embroidery, but in the end, as you can see, I just decided to keep things nice and simple.


beth s said...

Love your quilting stitches

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love how the simple hand quilting compliments the embroidery. Good decision!

Shelina said...

It looks great with those stitches. Keeping it simple is a good decision. I am still working on my circles.

Anne Ida said...

It's looking wonderful!

LA Paylor said...

very dynamic lines. Brave really, bold.

Quiltdivajulie said...

Exquisite . . .

Janie said...

It's simple yet complex.
The layers of color and stitching make it a classic!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

It looks wonderful :)

Ann said...

Looking great. I must start on this soon.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Lovely hand quilting, simple is perfect! And there's heaps of it!

patty a. said...

I like way you added the embroidery at the circles. Unexpected and very dramatic! The quilting will not detract from the embroidery, but will frame it. Nice job!

Soma @ said...

Simple but very effective. The embroidery and hand quilting compliment each other.


Mystic Quilter said...

Oh nice quilting - fits the quilt perfectly.

Lisa J. said...

Just beautiful quilting.

Angela said...

Love the effect. So nice to get those circles finished off.

JanineMarie said...

Lovely combination of embroidery and quilting! I learn so much from your work.