Saturday 10 December 2016

Saturday photos #81

I wasn't going to do a photos post this week (yet again) but yesterday found myself sitting in a car wash with my camera on the seat next to me...Well, it kept me entertained for 5 minutes!


Quiltdivajulie said...

I enjoy these kind of views at our local car wash, too.

Monica said...

I am glad to read that this is from the car wash. I was afraid this was the weather situation!

Mystic Quilter said...

Aren't the colours just beautiful!! Do you feel a quilt theme coming on?

Janie said...

I went through a car wash today too and it is visually exciting isn't it?
The car wash we went through had some stuffed toys wired to posts just as we were
exiting, probably to make kids smile after the 'spooky' car wash experience.
Mickey and Mini Mouse made me smile.

Mary Marcotte said...

That's an interesting way to entertain yourself in the carwash. I've never thought about taking photos in such a place. It's definitely an interesting view.

liniecat said...

It was either dark or your car was very dirty lolol
Great pics!!

Lesley Gilbert said...

I thought I was looking at some metal, close up; didn't realise it was your windscreen :)

Kathleen said...


Sharon said...

Cool pix! I love taking photos of unusual things too.

Stephie said...

Love these. So many possibilities.