Tuesday, 27 December 2016

AHIQ - share your improv #16 and a new start

Well the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley, which is to say I have managed not one tiny bit of piecing since I last posted.  Quite a bit of quilting, but nothing else. Ho hum.

I do, however, have a tiny bit of a plan. I have had this bundle of shirts in my mind for a while now - and now that I come to think of it I have also pondered a yellow quilt at various points but never made one.

So I think it's about time both these shirts and the colour yellow got their turn. I have been digging around in my boxes, pulling out anything that might conceivably work and I have come up with this:

Now that I come to think about it, there's something pleasing neat about starting a new quilt with the New Year and hopefully I will have managed to cut into something here by the time January's AHIQ linkup rolls around!  In the meantime, here's the last link up of 2016, for all those who have been more successful with their pre-Christmas sewing than I have.

AHIQ December link up


Kris said...

I love your selection and can't wait to see what you come up with from this grouping. I know I just want to work on something from what I have. I am just feeling bogged under with old projects right now but this is so light and pretty and I love the color scheme.

Quiltdivajulie said...

One of my early-in-the-year projects for 2017 will be to stop storing my shirting fabrics separately from the rest of my stash. I want to incorporate those fabrics into my projects / not just set them aside for a "someday I'll make a magnificent quilt all from shirtings" ... Your mix of grays and yellows looks so fresh and yet full of character. Looking forward to seeing what you create with them.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

There is something about a yellow and gray color scheme for a quilt that sucks me in every time. I hope you find that working with the colors is fun and you find that spark of an idea to work with.

Ann said...

I agree with Julie. You've inspired me to mix my shirtings with stash. Currently they are in a separate box because... insest silly old excuses here. Great mix of shirtings and stash fabric. What fun to start the New Year with this project.

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Lots of fun happening here, great to mix up the shirts with other fabrics too! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with these in the new year!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

Over the holidays I have done little but quilt a line or two in my ongoing project / you are not alone :) I liked seeing your brainstorm here! :)

pandchintz said...

Ooh, that looks interesting! Happy sewing with them.

Cathy said...

Yummmmy mix of shirts and fabrics. Can't wait to see what you will do with them. And I'm left wondering what kind of person wore that polka dot shirt!

Sharon said...

That looks like a great start to a grey and yellow quilt - I like it! My sister had some of that yellow with the bird on it and I love it. I think that will really pull all the other parts together as a focus print.

Monica said...

Well, I have to say, this looks very promising indeed! I think I used too much yellow in my Sunshine quilt, and your selection here looks much better. Very fresh!

liniecat said...

Ooooh wonderful and fun to watch what you will do with it all too!

audrey said...

I've been a bit fascinated with yellow lately too! Looks like a wonderful start to something great!

Unknown said...

I love your choices! This will be a beautiful quilt. đź’•

Mary Marcotte said...

Yellow is such a happy color and that one with the bird! Perfect! I hope you have lots of that. :) Gray and yellow are gorgeous together. This is going to be lovely.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

As somebody who also has a cache of old men's shirts , sorry old shirts belonging to a man , I look forward to seeing how you deal with these

Janie said...

I like your choices for color, what Ideas do you have and where did they come from?

patty a. said...

Those are some wonderful shirts you have collected! They vary in scale and pattern that will let them play together great! I will be looking forward to see what you create from this fabric.

Sue said...

Kaja, as usual you have nailed the color scheme. Although knowing you, it will still evolve from here. I'm looking forward to following this next quilting journey with you. Also looking forward to a new cycle of AHIQ! I did manage to get something done to show, just in the nick of time. Happy New Year!