Friday 18 November 2016

Nearly but not quite...

Nearly there, and the fact that I am ready to be done is definitely concentrating the mind on this one.  Here's an in progress shot,with thanks to Monica for her comment about the white crosses in the last post...

...and here's where I ended up.  The bottom row is actually still in two pieces and not attached to the rest, as I need to dig out my big cutting mat and tidy things up a bit, but come Monday morning it will be all systems go.  

At the moment this is almost exactly square (around 70" in all directions), though I don't think it looks square in the photos; that's what comes of standing on your sewing machine case to take the pictures.

 At the moment that top edge looks sort of unfinished to me so I am going to add just one small row across the top, probably just the height of one of the triangle strips or slightly more, but I've got quite a lot of leftover bits and bobs so that shouldn't pose a problem.

In the meantime I'm linking up with:



Teje Karjalainen said...

Hi Kaja! This is so good! Very unique and creative! Impressive colours and there is Finland's flag! x Teje

Quiltdivajulie said...

Oh what fun it has been to watch this one evolve. It is spectacular!!!!!

Cathy said...

I have really enjoyed watching this one come together. It is so pretty!!

Monica said...

It's really looking good! I'm glad to have helped a little bit, and I agree about the narrow top border, too. It's quite a good size, isn't it? I bet it's spectacular in person. Almost there!

Sue said...

Better and better!

Catherine said...

This is really wonderful - you've got the balance of shapes just right across the quilt. I'm in awe and so looking forward to seeing the finished article.

Ariane said...

I love it!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh it is really, really close and starting to feel like it is nearly there. Do you think you will use up pretty much your last scraps on the top?

France Nadeau ❅ inspiration imagination creation said...

With these pictures, we really can appreciate all the efforts put into this piece. :-)

Janie said...

Good for you, thanks for sharing the process.

Mary Marcotte said...

Wow. Just wow. There's so much going on and 70 inches! You're so close that standing on the machine case sounds perfectly okay. (Like you need my permission to stand on your case. :-)

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

Will you have any scraps left or is that every entire scrap you have ever owned ? And isn't it difficult to get a balanced photo of a big quilts?

Rachaeldaisy said...

What a striking project. So much to see in your wonderful piecing.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

This radiates joy and exuberance.

Vanni said...

Wow, you have made quite some progress since I last visited your blog :-O You did a great job and it looks straight out fantastic!